Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

The entire fight is theoretical. It’s not possible to fight real lions in the games nor fight pokemon irl.

The entire fight is theoretical but my logic to it is pre-defined, his is adding more logic than is what’s in the game using past logic.

Yes because every lion is gonna be within 2 inches of the Pokemon

how? im literally using the description of earthquake in the pokemon games.

all pokemon in battle excluding the user

But you’re putting 1,000,000 lions in a tiny field which has never been shown

Outdated and obviously false in the Pokemon world itself.

again this falls under the field we choose. If we’re following polar’s rules of a 5v5 field then yes earthquake couldnt hit all the lions. I already explained this enough times tho, and youve repeated the same point multiple times too. Its useless to argue if your counterarguments never change nor show any basis of proof. Its all just if.

nvm you really just dont know what youre talking about

Can’t hit Flying types, Is dodgeable, Can’t hit Wonder Guard

You’re the person who’s required to show the burden of proof in this scenario, you’re the one trying to make a point.

Lions don’t fly, Lion’s don’t have the IQ to jump during an earthquake, Lion’s aren’t magical. Is this an argument about Pokemon vs Lions or Pokemon vs Pokemon at this point?

I’m trying to say

this is obviously false

I don’t think lions would be able to dodge, I’m saying the description is obviously false

how do you want the lions to dodge the move if they arent pokemon and cant boost their evasiveness? Same for all the other things, they arent pokemon, theyre lions on the ground with no special abilities or whatever.

already proven it. Theyre all in the battle so they would all be hit.

again, we have to follow the info we have. Otherwise this would all be subjective

really the video archer sent just summs it up perfectly if all the lions are on 1 field instead of the new rules polar implemented.

You didn’t though???

I literally said they couldn’t, dumbass

Except you’re cherry picking the info that you as well know is false, using a move description instead of what the actual move does isn’t proof.

then tell me what the actual move does. Youve literally not given any evidence at all lmfao.

dont care, i need to repeat things for you anyways since you really just dont listen.

i did tho??

Ive literally given you 2 scenarios: 1 in which theyre all in a battle and they would all be hit and 1 in which theres only a few off em in a battle at once in which only those in battle would be hit (polar’s rules)

I just wanted to say this: The only reason we don’t see the move hit more than 5 pokemon is because there’s no way for it to in-game. Gamefreak doesn’t put in the effort to make a large scale battle like that, and honestly they don’t need to since it would be chaotic. (like this thread-)

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The move as we’ve seen has only hit 5 pokemon in a field at once, we have knowledge that its range doesn’t go outside the size of the pokemon field. By simple eyesight of looking at the size of the pokemon fields, you can determine it can’t hit 1 billion lions.

That’s not proof of anything :fr:

Which is why you can’t pull shit out of your ass saying ok it hits 5 so it hits 1 billion.

Yet you can say large cats can kill magma, steel, ghosts, etc.? Hell going off of game logic pokemon don’t even fucking die. They just faint.

No, I literally said they couldn’t. I said the pokemon would run out of energy and struggle. Some pokemon would die to lions.

Not if they’re wild pokemon who’ll likely get eaten/dehydrated/starve

then following your logic the lions would all be cram packed and stacked on top of eachother into the size of their side of the battle field. They would all get hit in that case.

are we folling the info the game has given us or only what we can see happen. Id rather trust the game then only what the game shows us. Up to you tho

theyre all in the battle, so they all get hit. Depending on how many are in the battle (either 5 like in polar’s rules, or 1 billion as im saying) they would all get hit. Either we trust gamefreak in saying that earthquake hits all pokemon/enemies in battle. Or we stop this argument here since there would be nothing to base earthquake off.