Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

Mf pokemon literally die to normal boulders

Based on the assumption spread moves will hit 1 billion lions which is a huge stretch.

I uh don’t know if you were serious with that video or not… but it’s pretty obvious that it’s a meme

It is a meme, still more realistic than what you’ve said

Then you’re pretty out of touch with reality.

Anyways this will go on infinitely, no ones yielding so we might as well end it here. You stay to your opinions as I stay to my own.

Says the person who thinks 1 earthquake would hit 1 billion lions

says the person who thinks earthquakes can only affect 5 things at maximum-

When did I say that?? I said they couldn’t effect more than 22k each which is still a generous estimate

I think you’re heavily underestimating the strength of a lion too

1b lions would win
nobody gives a fuck if they can fly
the pokemon would run out of PP way too fast, leaving them useless
lmao pokemon suck

And is that lore/reality wise or game wise? cause if you want to go by reality/lore everything dies from a lava slug. If you want to go off of the game then earthquake hits the entirety of the battle as long as they’re on the battle field, in the actual battle. (Save for flying and certain abilities since you’re so keen on that.

I think you’re highly exaggerating the strength of a lion to be able to destroy solid rock, let alone metal, and completely ignoring ghosts. Also when tf could living things attack lava? They supposed to spit on it?

holy shit 250 comments
wtf happened here?

Except logically if you use your fucking brain, 1 earthquake wouldn’t hit 1 billion lions, going by Macargo, all the Pokemon would die first since the Pokemon are closer

Legit most of the pokemon would get clapped by lions, don’t be only mentioning things Lions can’t effect especially the bug/grass/normal types

All pokemon die, Macargo would be left, then all the lions die. Still 1 pokemon left so they win.

I’m just talking about them since it’s pretty obvious a weedle won’t be killing too many lions with it’s moveset. Though depending on what you go off of it could at the very least trap them in some web, maybe kill them with poison.

Macargo would only kill all pokemon in a 50 meter radius instantly, the lions might be on the other side of China, how fast is a fucking slug gonna travel?

Yes that weedle better pull up the equivalent strength of 14,000 concentrated full power Mike Tyson punches in the form of punches

it’s 1 billion lions. not 1 thousand, not 1 million, but 1 billion

every pokemon would pass out from exhaustion before they even put a dent in the number of lions

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The slug wouldn’t have to travel much at all. If the lions only goal is to get to the pokemon, (so the males don’t immediately kill each other due to territorial stuff) then they would basically be running into macargo lmao. If they’re somehow aware of what 50 meters is, then they can all just starve/die from dehydration waiting.

A lot of those lions would die walking across china to get to the pokemon if you wanna be like that.

Yes because Lions will definetely run towards something brighter than the fucking sun, at most they’ll go blind and stay in place, you’re also assuming macargo won’t just use explosion.

Lions don’t even need to attack… Pokemon need to attack by their game rules

Honestly though, you’d have to have like an anti-continent power level to even win this against lions, and that’s assuming the anti-continent ability doesn’t come with severe drawbacks.

1 billion is a whole fucking lot bro. Like a real fucking lot.
By default all pokemon who don’t have OP attacks, are not made of any weird things, and aren’t ghost types fucking die.

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Yes because Macargo would definitely use explosion when absolutely nothing is happening to it. You’re also assuming that Macargo even knows explosion.

Technically they don’t. You could just sit there for all eternity since it’s a “wild” battle. Which makes me realize, if the lions don’t attack cause they’re blind, then their turn never ends. Lions starve and Mr. Slug keeps vibing

Wild Pokemon need to use a move too…

Other pokemon also have counterintuitive moves, some pokemon can’t even exist without trainers so it would be fair to look at these pokemons move-sets equally