Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

you might be overestimating the intelligence of lions too…

considering it’s lions prob 2-3x the size of rhode island if they’re all close to eachother

So if Pokemon can use counter intuitive moves… then why aren’t the lions killing each other? It’s within their natural order, they don’t know any better, and they’ll get hungry eventually. Once they’re hungry… well I don’t exactly see them eating any grass or bugs they may have killed. Also, if they decide to chow down on any poison types, I believe that wouldn’t be the healthiest for them.

Much larger

They literally would and they still wouldn’t die out as quick

Neither would pokemon cause they aren’t trying to fucking kill themselves 24/7. And not every pokemon can self destruct.

Lions are one of, if not the smartest species of cat on the planet

They don’t have 1 billion tho

“Of cat.” Not animal. I believe a Magical Bird, psychic types, and the multiple monkey pokemon are quite a bit smarter than a cat with big brain for it’s species.

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wait nvm found a calculation it’d be about 1/3 the size of rhode island 441.202 sq miles

in the first place @frappuccino1 , wouldn’t the pokemon have to get fatigued at some point?

with that sheer size of lions, it’s not likely that any lions except the ones directly in front will be fighting at any given time, so the lions at the back don’t lose that much energy, but the pokemon? not so much

lions would starve by that metric

I don’t think a magikarp would show the same intelligence though, you’re being overly specific on the literal smartest of the pokemon when most are stupid

…so could pokemon
seeing as the problem is unrealistic in the first place, i thought things like starvation and other non-enemy induced forms of death would be discounted

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Pokemon run out of pp in 15 minutes by game rules, Lions can legit sleep and starve for 2 weeks

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They’d have to deal with all crazy types of weather from pokemon abilities, the ones in the front lines would be whiped out, and the ones in the back and middle die from traveling across a fucking country. Pokemon in the first half just have to sit there and use a few moves. Also you’re telling me a lion won’t get fatigued from attacking rocks and metal?

Which would also kill the pokemon at the same time

Lions can take 14,000 perfectly aimed full power Mike Tyson punches(Worst case scenario for lions too btw), I think the rocks might be sturdy but Lions will 100% be able to tank quite a bit not to mention there’s 1 billion.

In contrast a human can live about 4

Numerous pokemon would be able to heal others and themselves during that span of 5 turns. Lions won’t be casting healing spells anytime soon.

Healing moves barely have any pp

mf gonna pull an Anime and forget pokemon only have 4 moves

wild pokemon don’t need to be healed at a facility, they would almost certainly be able to rest