Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

So you reference a game before the existence of hoard battles to say it’ll hit everything in a hoard battle. :fr:

i mentioned that to answer any questions that might come up from entries like this one
i mean, it says all pokemon in battle, but in the games, pokemon don’t really fight in billions either

You’re not treating it as a horde battle, you’re treating it as a global war in a real world with game mechanics that only work in the lion’s favor.

Also that was when there were no triple battles nor hoard battles

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How??? You’re the one saying if a move says it hits all pokemon “around” it then it automatically hits 1 billion lions.

If this was a real world then pokemon wouldn’t have pokemon moves

Well do you want to treat it as a game or not? There’s nothing solidly disproving it. And like I said, the numbers go up with every foe, seeing to game freak probably didn’t expect there to be any software capable of rendering an entire population at once, it’s highly unlikely they intentionally put a limit on it.

If this was that type of real world the lions couldn’t have possibly populated themselves to 1billion.

i mean, most of the game mechanics work in the favor of the pokemon
like them being unreasonably powerful and being able to heal by literally just running away or being able to use ranged attacks or not being made of flesh or being literal ghosts etc.

irl most of these pokemon just wouldn’t exist

Well that’s exactly what you guys wanted when you limited the fight to games only. They’re still gonna be OP as shit, just not in the ways they should be.

the fact that the game says nothing about pokemon in tournaments using earthquake causing city-wide destruction is enough to be honest. if it were the case, it would be mentioned because it would be too significant to not be.

argumentum ad ignorantiam

I’m literally saying it isn’t a real world…

That would be getting into lore and story, something you guys did NOT want. I see no reason as to why the trainers are perfectly fine while their pokemon are whipping up Tornadoes made of fire, Tsunami’s, earthquakes, etc. right in front of them.

Yet you’re saying it’s false when it hasn’t been proven true.

The person making the point, i.e: Saying it’s true, has to provide the burden of proof if you know how arguments work at all

ok then
but still though, is there anything to prove that it would hit all the lions?
the way it seems, there’s no proof either way

in those kind of circumstances, most people would err on the side of the least incredible claim, which would be that earthquake could not kill 1 billion lions

in the first place, earthquakes don’t really do much in the open, but it’s a game so it’s whatever

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You basically saying “Haven’t seen it, not true.” isn’t exactly a sound argument either. Also we’re both trying to make points here.

it’s really more like: no proof, disregarded.

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You’re a retard until proven false.

That’s the kind of logic you’re using, you do understand that’s not how arguments work right? Only the person making the point has to bring the burden of evidence, if I called you a retard in a legitimate argument I’d have to bring the proof, you wouldn’t have to prove you weren’t unless there was a burden of proof placed such as your inability to understand arguments.

(Sorry for calling you a retard if you actually find that offensive but some of my posts are gonna get flagged eventually anyways)

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tfw the only way for lions to win in this is to highly nerf pokemon

What nerf??

Following their own game’s rules and logic?

With that kind of logic, there’s no proof either way. If only one person has to prove something in the argument and the other person just says “No, I don’t see that happening.”, then whats the point of the argument? The numbers increases with each opponent, it’s in at least one of the move descriptions, and even though it may sound like a weak argument, it’s a game. Logic of how many things can be hit aren’t taken into account cause no one expects to render 1 billions entities in a game. That’s like saying there’s not 300+ NPCs on Magius because they aren’t rendered.

All good, arguments be like that.