Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

And the other person is in the right because he doesn’t need to prove it false, like the conspiracy theory that the world started last Tuesday. The conspiracy theorists would need to bring proof, not the other way around.

But there’s a clear burden of proof there is

Actually 300+ is a stretch maybe 100-250(Unless you’re talking about all of Magius and not just what we have in game rn which would very easily be 300+)

if the pokemon doesn’t:

  1. have a highly destructive ability
  2. have some weird physical composition, or
  3. have resistance to physical attack

then it’ll probably die.
if not, then it won’t.


the roles of the people are important lol. the person making the claim has all the responsibilty on themselves to substantiate the claim. it’s not the job of the person receiving the claim to prove that the claim is false. that’s ridiculous.

those aren’t equal situations bro. we know from the fact that magius is a continent (so from context clues) that it houses more than 300 people in it. what about earthquake? what information leads you to believe it can kill all the lions?

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If the majority of the population can remember the day and days before last Tuesday, then that is proof that the earth didn’t start on the day of tacos.

Eh Would’ve gotten there eventually, though I’m certainly not disappointed with what we’re getting in AO

There’s almost no other way to make an “equal” comparison. The other closest thing I can think of is “There’s no core to the earth cause We haven’t seen it.”

You do know the actual theory right? It’s where they say that your memories including everything else started existing last Tuesday.

See, now you get it. The person saying that now has to prove there isn’t an Earth since the burden of evidence is on there being an Earth, not the other way around.

I personally haven’t been to whatever wacky side of the internet that theory is on.

that’s not an equal comparison, either. we know the earth has a core because of what we know about planets. also gravity, as well as geological phenomena that are only really explained by a crust. what information do you have that leads you to believe the earthquake could kill 1 billion lions?

bro, in BOTH examples you gave, there is a logical reason why the statement given MUST be true. where’s the same thing for the earthquake statement?

(also, not to nitpick, but all spheres that have layers have a core. it’s just the deepest layer of the sphere lol)

It’s practically a meme used to show why the person trying to make a point has to bring a burden of proof and not the other way around.

you only need like maybe 10 pokemon for almost any given strategy, the rest are just extra

going by polar’s proposed rules, pokemon definitely win if they have any modicum of strategy

going by lore, pokemon win basically no questions asked

from any perspective where pokemon can freely move around and fight or whatever, pokemon win as several can fly indefinitely/burrow deep underground

even by stretched out game rules, pokemon at the very least force stalemate through crazy ability comboing or whatever or running away

if legendaries are counted then lunala is practically unkillable, ghost typing makes it immune to normal type attacks and it can learn teleport

shit ton of other pokemon that also learn teleport

but anyways, as I stated long ago in this post, its impossible to actually decide this without some set of standards/what counts

also I agree earthquake being able to hit a billion targets at once is kinda iffy

Yes because literally forfeiting and leaving the battle doesn’t count as losing to you

Because virtually then entire thing is completely fictional. The only non fictional things are Lions as an animal and Pokemon as a game. It’s incredibly difficult to explain a theory that’s in complete fiction.

yeah that’s true
it seems that in the fight, they’ll really be only specific pokemon that do anything
the rest would just be cannon fodder

I don’t think you get the point, all you need to do is prove that earthquake can hit 1 billion lions in the lore of pokemon games which you can’t as therefore it should be ignored. The only amount you could ever solidly prove is 5

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there can still be laws in fictional universes, though, and it is by those rules that you decide what could or couldn’t happen. just because jojo is fictional for example doesn’t mean i can then say that jotaro wouldn’t die to a gunshot if star platinum weren’t out.

saying it’s just very difficult to explain has the same weight as proof as just not presenting anything at all lol

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Lions would win unless Magikarp uses Splash to splash a black hole at the lions or something.

Spite match.

This is like pinning a billion narutos against everyone in one piece.

Who did you think was going to win?

Going by lore Macargo kills all the pokemon and lions gg ez

Lions literally body everything with regenerator but Lunala and that Green blob thingy since Legendaries are discounted it can’t switch between them either, also you’re giving pokemon too much intelligence, again.

If we used the lore then I wouldn’t need to prove that a magical earthquake from beings made of elemental origins can hit 1 billion lions. Technically an earthquake shouldn’t even do damage by itself. If you want to add aspects to the earthquake you could say it helps open a fissure and lions start falling down like rag dolls, but that would be a stretch if you want to stay with the game’s rules. If you want to go into lore and realism, then that’s exactly what could happen.

Yes you do…

It’s not realism when you can’t prove it happens in game either, argumentum ad ignorantiam is automatically dismissed in any logical argument in history.

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