Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

You said they had to be in a smaller space or else it’d be boring which dodges the premise.

I’m just talking about a billion lions wdym

it would be logical to have them all clash in a big fight instead of having them spread out and as i said before if we’re following pokemon move rules then this doesnt matter anymore.

Bro what tiny area do you think you’re fitting a billion lions?

even if you put the 1 billion lions together it wouldn’t matter

bro what huge area do you think you’re fitting a billion lions in? the entire planet?

@Mimhere ye thats what im saying here:

the lions probably wont need the entirity of china. Taking into consideration that most of china’s population only lives in a small part of the country but also lives in skyscapers etc. The lions would probably need like half of china. Anyways the size of the region theyre fighting in really doesnt matter anymore and if it did (so pokemon moves werent restricted to what they are in the games) then 1 earthquake could still kill atleast like 50 lions

how do you kill a ghost pokémon?

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theres around 900 pokemon other than legendaries


they eventually run out of PP then faint with struggle.

or it’s just a stalemate…

Is this current time or sometime in future when Pokemon dies?

Well it takes 1 ghost-type pokemon to defeat them all over the course of a few years.

Edit: Didn’t finish reading the thread. This has already been said.

Is there some sort of “rest” move in Pokemon?

im just gonna say one thing

1 billion

yes we went over this. even if every pokemon with earthquake spammed it the lions would still come out on top

there is but all it dose is heal you and it dose not give pp (no skill gives pp)

Well, like dragon said, a ghost type pokemon could just chill for a few years as all of the lions die from starvation.

It’ll run out of energy and be forced to struggle

but aren’t they incorporeal

welp idk much about pokemon so

Yes, and even incorporeal Pokemon run out of energy

Also to the people who constantly mention earthquake, Earthquake would effect the Pokemon as well except air types or Pokemon with levitation.