Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

if we’re going off game rules, lions stomp them. unless you have an instakill move you can use infinitely, and you get to attack first, you’re screwed no matter what. all 900 pokemon do not have a combined health pool of 1 billion so even if each lion only deals 1 damage before dying the lions still win before even 1% of them are killed

if we’re going off the lore, lions 100% lose to some random pokedex bullshit

I don’t even know what rules are we following at this point


huh if they run outta energy

don’t they remain incorporeal…?

you’re implying that they’re gonna disperse?

Maybe they take damage if they run out of energy? Idk my only experience with pokemon was PBB.

But what is the exact battlefield gonna be?

When you run out of energy, no matter what, you’re forced to use a move called struggle. Struggle has heavy recoil and does very little damage. The recoil will kill you within 4 turns guaranteed.

Thats if we go by the games and if its going to be real lions vs pokemon it wouldnt be based on the games

No mytical or legendary?
Ash pikachu will kill all lions same way

huh i have no idea what that is

a billion lions would be incredibly unsustainable in a more or less concentrated location,
lions in the wild already need wide territories and hunting grounds just for small prides of lions

saying that the lions would do cannibalism would lead to infighting and severe loss of numbers for the lions, but most likely wouldn’t have access to stable sources of water either

for us to compare this question in terms of game rules, we’d still need to know how strong these lions are in terms of pokemon and what they can do

even wild pokemon (like abra) can run away, assuming that all pokemon would just sit there mindlessly fighting until they die from exhaustion is silly in a more realistic scenario

You do realize that the games are what actual pokemon is, right?

everything else is based on the games, not the other way around

surely pokemon would infight as well though? it kinda defeats the purpose of a fight if either side immediately turns on themselves.

just imagine a giant arena that can hold 1 billion lions. every lion has their sights set on defeating the pokemon, nothing more.

Pokemon spread moves will also likely occur…

If we factor in Legendaries/Mythics you could say shit like Arceus will just kill everything but this is only normal pokemon.

Also Lions will do damage, and teleport is a move that costs pp(energy).

gardevoir can create black holes iirc

looks at discussion

ok then

yes but teleport cancels the battle, and the abra assumedly goes back into the wild, wild pokemon when encountered always have all their pp

just because they’re all pokemon doesn’t mean they’re all trainer pokemon

wild pokemon would likely be able to rest and recover if they were to just fall back

  1. Multi-target moves : you’d assume earthquake targets only 2 pokemon at once, but you’re wrong. There’s this thing called horde encounters in XY and ORAS where multi-target moves hit ALL 5 of the opponent. Through this theory we know that regardless of number, a multi-target move would always hit everything.

  2. Infinite PP : Leppa berry is a consumable berry that restores PP of a move by 10. Yeah it’s a consumable, but there are two main things we all need to know.

  • Harvest : If the Pokémon has used a berry, there is a 50% chance of it being restored at the end of each turn. The held Berry is remembered even if it is not restored or if the Pokémon has switched out. Harvest will always activate in harsh sunlight.

Basically if we have for example a Exeggutor in sunny weather after using a leppa berry once, Exeggutor will create infinite leppa berries.

  • Trick/Switcheroo or any item swap move : The user switches held items with the target. If only one of them is holding an item, the item is moved to the other.

This is used for other pokemon as support to transfer leppa berries from Harvest pokemon. Very important for keeping endurance.

  1. Endurance : Yeah garchomp isn’t killing stuff fast if we are looking at it realistically, but it can kill a lot. So what do we do to keep garchomp healthy?

Triage : Triage increases the priority of moves that restore HP used by the Pokémon with this Ability by 3, including both damaging moves and status moves.

The unique ability of Comfey being able to quickly heal Garchomp’s health, combined with floral healing and enough leppa berries can make Garchomp basically immortal.

  1. Ghost pokemon : lions can’t touch ghosts LOL just get golurk to spam earthquakes alongside garchomp, or even better, replace garchomp with golurk.
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i forgot how funny and interesting pokemon names were

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Leppa berry : infinite PP when used correctly

Wild pokemon have random stats and have different ids so they are different. This is 1 of every pokemon. Pokemon can also die of age