Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

lions also die of age, much faster than literal ghosts/rocks/piles of magma/dragons etc

But all of those die of energy in 15 mins

Pokemon also need food like Lions, the Lions can resort to cannibalism but the Pokemon only have 1 of each of them and unless they start eating lions which most small pokemon can’t even do, they’ll die.

many many pokemon could go without food
if anything, given some ghost types like palossand, they’d probably if anything grow stronger from this

sure most would die but pokemon as a whole would win

the pokemons would win since the lions would die due to over population and lack of food

To continue my argument I would like to present a new challenger.
Blacephalon. This fire/ghost pokemon is a very strong attacker, which as a ghost type is basically untouchable by lions.

Now what does Blacephalon do?
Expanding Force, a strong Psychic move.
“The user attacks the target with its psychic power. This move’s power goes up and damages all opposing Pokémon on Psychic Terrain.”

Now where do we get psychic terrain?
The answer is simple. Indeedee, they have the ability Psychic Surge.
“When a Pokémon with Psychic Surge enters the battle, it creates the effect of the move Psychic Terrain on the battlefield.”

Now congratulations! You wiped out every single lion in one move!

Not satisfied? Is Blacephalon too strong? Well, even without blacephalon, Indeedee can STILL use Expanding Force and do it without Blacephalon. It’s just that they are not a ghost so, there is ONE move that can help.

Follow Me : “The user draws attention to itself, making all targets take aim only at the user.”

One pokemon such as Togekiss could be used as a sacrifice using Follow Me while Indeedee gets the chance to destroy every lion with a single Expanding Force.

Also the question dosnt say anything about ultra beasts and im pretty sure a few of them are taller than sky scrapers

Depends if they use their pokedex entries, their typing, their ability and moves

Going off their pokedex entires, Alakazam literally has the IQ of 10,000, Mr Mime can create anything out of thin air and Magcargo’s body temperature is over 10,000 Celsius.

If they just use their moves, pokemon can create earthquakes, predict the future, fly, dig underneath, poison the lions, put the lions to sleep, paralyze the lions, burn the lions and use Psychic

Flying, Psychic, Dark, Fire and Fighting pokemon all have the advantage here since Flying can completely avoid the lions, Psychic types can toss them around, some Dark types are nocturnal so they could easily ambush, and fighting types could just pummel the lions and taking into account this may be the savanna, the lion’s home territory, fire types could just burn everything

To summarize, the lions would get destroyed

whos gonna feed them the items

Now you see, there are the logical people like you and then the people who say since they have pp points on their moves they would lose

That reminds me

To all those that say they would run out of PP, grass types could grow Leppa berries

Not the majority

I feel like your forgetting most pokemon will run out of energy and can only carry 1 item

Most grass types get mauled by enough Lions

That’s why they would mostly act more as support, remember, if we take into account Alakazam’s IQ, they would act mainly as a strategist, meaning grass types would be given a more support role, since most of them would just die, they would be in the back line with chansey acting as a healer and support

Pokedex entries are inconsistent, if Alakazam had that iq then it’d be impossible to catch.

Also people keep forgetting it’s 1 of every pokemon, there’s not that many at all compared to 1 billion lions, less than a crumb of a crumb.

Yes, I know there’s only one pokemon, even then, they should atleast have enough common sense to not let the weaker pokemon fight in the front lines

One of every non-mythic and non-legendary pokemon do not have the power of 7,143 nukes.

Also Pokemon don’t have human intelligence with a few exceptions.

yeah you only need 2 pokemon to win basically
just either Blacephalon+Indeedee
or Indeedee+Togekiss/Clefairy/Clefable