Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

Both would run out of energy

they wont because every lion will die in 1 move from theoretically choice specs + helping hand by a lot of the other pokemon from expanding force indeedee in psychic terrain


Psychic terrain only envelops a field, not hits all opposing enemiesā€¦

Idk the size of your fields but itā€™s definitely not even large enough to fit 100

You seem to not know how expanding force works

ā€œThe user attacks the target with its psychic power. This moveā€™s power goes up and damages all opposing PokĆ©mon on Psychic Terrain.ā€

basically if indeedee is in psy terrain every lion dies

These arenā€™t Pokemonā€¦ Nor is the entire world on Psychic Terrain

by that argument what the fuck actually counts?
if pokemon moves donā€™t work on the enemies, what the fuck is actually going on?

There are pokemon moves that canonically effect the real world and most of them do, psychic moves based on Pokemon psychi wouldnā€™t effect a person in the pokemon universe, why would it effect a lion on ours?

Itā€™s like if a psychologist had to suddenly start analyzing a completely new creature. Again, even if it didnā€™t work, Psychic Terrain canā€™t cover even 100 lions.

saying that their moves donā€™t work on lions just because theyā€™re lions is stupid
just because theyā€™re lions doesnā€™t mean that pokemon shit wouldnā€™t work

by that metric lions also wouldnā€™t be able to do anything

we donā€™t know the technical range of psychic terrain, however its implied to hit all targets

mf, you can use fucking earthquakes and breath fire and your complaining about psychological things that donā€™t apply to humans in the pokemon universe either.

No itā€™s not, itā€™s very clearly stated the range of it is a field, no pokemon field Iā€™ve seen is the size of a large country. It again, also only effects pokemon.

who said they donā€™t work, humans arenā€™t ever the target in the pokemon universe

nothing actually describes the range of a field in pokemon (referring to moves not literal field fields),
stating it would be impossible simply because you havenā€™t seen one is arguing evidence of absence

by that metric, lions canā€™t hit the pokemon either because they arenā€™t pokemon, saying that literally breaks this question

Ok it is time to think about another move other than Expanding Force, which is Swift.
ā€œStar-shaped rays that never miss are fired at all foes in battle.ā€ (description from FRLG, same effects still apply throughout generations but this one speaks the clearest)

It might not be the strongest of moves, but theoretically this does the job. It never misses, it hits all foes (lions).

And hundreds of pokemon learn this move so theoretically this move can demolish everything even with its low power.

And, congratulations! You beat every lion in one move, just donā€™t forget about Follow Me from the support pokemon.

The literal moveā€¦

Arguing it can be any size is also a fallacy

Humans literally kill pokemon in the pokemon universeā€¦ They can be physically harmed

humans can be harmed too

hell, pokemon can even kill humans

lions would be a piece of cake

by looking through bullshit pokedex entries, pokemons win ez clap
i am a pokemon believer myself but pokedex isnt the right weapon since yeah bro if magcargo has the temperature of the fucking sun everything dies ez ez lions have skill issue

i think we should look at the battle moves instead which would be more consistent of a standard. with lions theoretically having stats of pyroar (lion pokemon) and being a pure normal type

also a reminder that not literally every lion would be fighting the pokemon at the same time

itā€™d be more like 20-500 lions fighting each pokemon, continually filling the gaps of the dead, until all 1 billion are dead

so area attack would only kill maybe 20-500 lions each, significantly more than single target attacks but not really that much since 99.9% of the lions at any given time would be nowhere near the pokemon, much less fighting them

I said they could, I said they couldnā€™t be harmed by moves based on POKEMON psychi, stop putting words in my mouth.

I mean, if we are going based on the games logic pokemon never need to be feed and if you donā€™t want to follow the games logic then your argument about pp would be false

idk man a billion is a lot


like come on now
Lions can learn Bite (a dark type move) to hit ghost type pokemon, flying gives no immunity to normal or dark attacks, and aside from that every other pokemon could be slowly worn down.

Also a billion is like a lot a lot
can you count that high? I donā€™t think you can.

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idiots making paragraphs on a dumb pokemon argument