Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

I mean you could probably pull some berry farm thing with a healing mon and be practically immortal even by game logic

dark type only does damage if they can hit, ghost pokemon are typically somewhat fast and most likely faster than these lions, meaning they could just outspeed before the dark type move even has a chance to hit

hell mimikyu is immune to attacks for a turn because of their ability

even in the games, the “fly” move makes your pokemon mostly impossible to hit for a turn

to actually resolve this question we need actual standards though;
is this by game standards?
how spread out are the lions?
do pokedex entries count?

Yeah, Polar really wasn’t clear with how this battle is defined

i just said the lions would win there is no debate here


The wording of the title is confusing, you’ve formatted it like asking a question, which prompts people to start debates

you guys realize magcargo is a thing right, this bitch is hotter than the sun (nearly twice as hot, magcargo is 18000°F while the sun is about 9940°F), lions try to get near them and they just burn up

even if magcargo wasn’t there, there’s still ghost types, lions aren’t pokemon and thus don’t have any special moves to hit ghost types, since all of their methods of attack are physical
sure you could say “but bite is a dark type attack!” but lions aren’t pokemon, how would they have pokemon moves if they’re not pokemon, if you classify bite as a dark type move for the lions now you’re classifying every lion as a pokemon and now it’s 1 billion of the same pokemon vs one of every other pokemon

the fact you actually believe in the pokedex entries and think they are 100% accurate just goes to show how flawed the pokemon win argument is

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ghost types run out of PP and perish from struggle

it’s 1 billion lions, you can’t win. Even if you have an incredibly strong pokemon that’s able to take down thousands it won’t matter since they’re fighting a literal ocean of lions

pokedex entries obviously aren’t 100% accurate
however the vast majority of them are correct

only if the pokemon mindlessly fought until they die of exhaustion and immediately attack another lion after
and even then as stated earlier in the post, some berry farming shenanigans could solve the pp issue

pokemon wouldn’t be constricted by the normal pokemon battle rules, they could flee/rest etc
pretty sure some pokemon like abra and raikou can even boot themselves out of the battle

it’s a billion lions. Each pokemon would have to take down a million lions each, that’s not happening. A large majority would be killed by a single lion.

even if pokemon were able to restore their pp they’d still be completely swarmed by the ocean of lions.

the victor is clear

The lions would be able to hit ghost types anyway, ghost types are immune to normal type attacks and last I checked lions were typeless


most pokemon would die sure, but that’s because most pokemon are lower evolutions and bugs and stuff

yes, a billion lions is a lot, meaning you wouldn’t be able to fit them in a concentrated location without stacking lions or something
by the time many lions could actually get there, they’d begin to starve or die of dehydration depending on the area

as some shenanigans could make a handful of pokemon unkillable, pokemon win by cheese and that’s just by game logic

the equivalent of a lion would definitely be primarily normal type in comparison/capabilities, and attacks or resistances as well
saying they’re typeless and it’d work as typeless moves work in game doesn’t work as that’s technically a pokemon type
if we say that lions are just literal lions then they wouldn’t be able to kill ghost/rock/some ground types/etc anyways

the question is impossible to solve without some standards as far as what counts,
pokemon practically always win by cheese

it’s a giant arena which can fit 1 billion lions. it wouldn’t be much of a fight if every lion immediately died to natural causes and the like, that’s boring anyway. it’s a fight we want.
and yes ghost types would die from struggle while rock/ground types would slowly have their hp drained by the ocean of lions.

the pokemon can not win. they eventually run out of PP and perish.

also stop saying “well the pokemon just run away and recover”
run away = defeat. it’s a fight. running away from battles in pokemon counts as your loss.

running away doesn’t equal death, thought it was fairly clear this would be a death match

if you say these are real lions then yes many would die of natural causes and the like

pokemon aren’t required to simply fight till they literally die of exhaustion like in a normal pokemon battle

hm, where does the battle take place? on a flat baseplate with no nature? in the wild? where?

also, can the lions starve to death in this situation?

This man explains it well, pokemon win.

However, he does make the assumption that all of the lions are pyroar.

Here’s their move, and they’re typeless
Normal type exists, there’s no pokemon type called typeless

Curse is the only move that’s “typeless”

struggle is typeless too, but that’s so it can hit all pokemon
typeless is technically a move type, just barely anything has it

why the hell would lions not be classified as normal types in pokemon standards

Togepi used Metronome!


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Curse was only typeless before gen 5 too

assuming we’re not talking about in terms of pokedex entries and instead going by the assumption that we are playing the actual game and the lions are just normal type pokemon

get as many pokemon possible to buff a fast and strong non-myth/legend ground pokemon that focuses on physical atk by using sword’s dance 3 times on it and have every other pokemon that can use helping hand

then use earthquake