Which would win, 1 billion lions or one of every non-mythical and non-legendary pokemon?

mf we’ve never seen earthquake ever hit more than 5 pokemon, that’s argument ad absurdum.

boutta go use 1 move and kill everything on the planet in 1 shot with a Sandile because I had helping hand.

only actually functioned like a normal type move in gen 1

doesn’t mean it’s impossible for them to hit more than 5 targets

kyogre was able to flood the world in alpha sapphire so it’s likely possible

still to actually answer this we need standards for what the fuck actually counts

It’s still classified as a normal move and not typeless.

Damn bro then why tf didn’t every evil organization in the Pokemon world that wants to get rid of the world use their local sandile instead? It’s argument ad absurdum at it’s finest. Nor are pokedex entries or anime or cutscenes ever consistent.

i realize i started this whole thing but just remember this is just for fun, heres a few memes about it to lighten the mood


Saphire pokemon entry: Magcargo’s body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees F. Water is vaporized on contact. If this Pokémon is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog.

the pokedex isnt really reliable tho, thats the main issue.

If only the rules were clear

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Is every pokemon just gonna headbutt 1 billion lions or what

practically all the evil organizations were trying to harness the powers of those legendaries because they could effect the world and shit
the entire point of team magma and Aqua was literally to use kyogre/groudon to terraform the world to have more/less land

the games are video games and things have to be somewhat balanced for it to actually function

pokedex entries are inconsistent but that doesn’t mean that most of them are wrong, they’re at the least based off observation of those creatures

If every Pokemon counting legendaries had 4 spread moves all with leppa berries and all of them one shot(This scenario is impossible btw because most won’t even one shot nor have 4 spread moves nor have that many leppa berries) each spread move would have to hit 22,272 Lions


Mf if I could terraform a continent with a sandile using helping hand I wouldn’t try going for a legendary

But still
Magcargo literally needs to just exist to kill all 1 billion lions
(if only the pokedex was viable)

Yes Macargo is currently destroying the entire planet instantaneously simply by existing

Truly the god pokemon

tbh doesnt the vid archer sent give us the answer already? just switch the kyogre to for example garchomp with earthquake. Wouldnt this prove how the pokemon would win?

no because the guy said because spread moves can hit 5 pokemon, it can hit 1,000,000,000 and there’s literally no logic in that.

true that, tho even then kyogre or in this case kyogres replacement garchomp can use earthquake multiple times, and so can the other pokemon. The could just keep doing the same thing till they run out of pp which by that time they should probably have defeated all the billion lions.

Also the vid buffs the lions aswell since pyroars are stronger than real life lions

Still an absurd number

This is with 4 spread moves not just earthquake.

again this really falls under what the rules are. If we’re taking a huge battle ground then yes it would probably not hit all the lions. If we’re taking a smaller battle ground then it would

that magcargo temp likely refers to to inside of the shell anyways, magcargo likely doesn’t radiate that much heat outwards

how much pp per move are you counting?

tf do you mean “smaller battleground”, you gonna be stacking lions to mars like Jenga or some shit?