Who is the strongest person now after Cursebeard died?

I think hes refering to a statement by vetex about the reason why ao mc can harm curse users even as a warrior being that they subconsciously imbue it with magic energy after the first awakening

Not everybody is a Demi-god. And this was not what I said above. I don’t know why but ig some of you cannot read/ scroll up to find out what i actually said.

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Aura tracing can be used by anyone with enough training not just demigods lmao

Yep. This is how Neviro will likely utilise his Darkness Curse Inheritance (if he hasnt already, his spear has dark traces on it)

nvm, i remembered

no, they can’t.
I don’t understand why everybody in this thread think The AO mc and Neviro are good examples to be used. One is a demigod, the other literally inherited an advanced cursed.

A warrior with good training probably will never with exclusively his own skill be able to kill an elemental curse user, because he does not have the spirit energy to manifest his magic energy. (how magic is used.)

tldr of the discussion, the wielder of the Absorption curse will never be the strongest because they do not have the defensive properties other curse users have, along with the curses they have being stored in the Absorption Curse (so no bypass)

If Durza was smart, maybe he could have obtained a devourer to obtain other curses separate from the Absorption Curse to obtain the defensive properties of Elemental Curses.
And no, not everybody in the AO verse can do this, all of the people here using minority examples really need have a dhar man lesson quote shoved into their skulls:
The ONE does not represent the MAJORITY.

If it was for only demigods, then vetex would say so. Aura tracing is common in the world, considering even the boxing mentor knows about it


Prometheus used his powers to give humanity the ability to manipulate their latent magic energy. Every human is capable of doing this, but only those with a high amount of spirit energy are capable of summoning magic circles, which allow them to use magic at its full potential. Magic circles are created to shape magic energy into an element or other kind of form in order to carry out the caster’s intent.

Quoted from the lore document

Literally proves anyone can use aura tracing

Thats the point.
Durza was a kiddo who got access to the aborption curse.
The pk was revived after being magic ash for 800 years.
he was trained by both theos and freedrock, two of the mightiest warriors, do you really think he is made of glass or sum shit?
And on top of it all the absorption curse may not give him the elemental protection, but it allows him to still use the abilities he used to defeat everyone who stood against him.

Casually ignores the spirit energy requirement to actually use magic as a whole

This does not mean anything to the main point…?
The primary point of this discussion is that regular weaponry would not affect elemental curse users, whereas the wielder of the absorption curse would be affected (something @puppykeeper1234 can’t comprehend)

Even with Aura-Tracing, this does jackshit against an elemental curse user.
If you take Rupin and some random boxer from the War Seas, that boxer is doing jackshit.

Yeah, he got his shit rocked by Rupin.

Then it’s sub-par. Being able to take magics has been nerfed since according to Vetex minds don’t exist (which means infinite magics…? tf was vetex smoking) so Durza after he had reached the point of being a spirit had no real advantage over any other high class curse user (Cursebeard, Valencia, Morock, Wotan) or even other high class magic users like Theos.

Prometheus used his powers to give humanity the ability to manipulate their latent magic energy. EVERY human is capable of doing this,

If you genuinely think you need circle magic to use aura you’re lost buddy

you realize magic energy is literally life force
you cannot exist without magic energy

Funny because rupin was barely just a concept.
And i dont know where you heard this?

It’s from Arcane Reborn which is not canon so he has no idea what he’s talking about

Not what I said, read again. “Magic as a whole”. MAGIC is exclusively used to describe the usage via magic circles, MAGIC ENERGY OR CHAOS is used to describe things like Aura. Try again.

Had been being fleshed out since Online Fighting.

Is implied to be canon because Trigno fighting and killing Rupin is canon, which happens after the attack of the PK. Try again.

There is nothing that include him stomping the pk.
and even so there is a big power difference between pk in the middle of aa and the end

It’s never stated in the lore doc, and it didn’t happen in AA so it doesn’t mean anything

??? You don’t NEED magic as a whole to use aura, this literally contradicts what you said

The PK is very much physically able to be fucked over, All it takes is a gun actually.

smooth brained, -10000 aura

No? It’s pretty obvious what I meant was MAGIC which is the only way to physically harm elemental curse users. Scroll up before you try derail please.

That’s in the Sixth Sea, and the supposed PK vs Rupin fight is in the 3rd Sea

Here with the same thing as before.
A gun can take out anyone who isnt an elemental curse user, do you really think the pk would just stand there and take it??
And dont try to say "what if they sneak up from behind’ he can sense