Who is the strongest person now after Cursebeard died?

Yes… When someone says guns, they mean conventional weaponry. I never once specified Arcanium Weapons were in this equation, so yeah maybe read a bit harder :person_shrugging:

No…? The magic energy used by Warriors is not present in their weapon. It’s present in them, and that’s how they do crazy moves.

Dawg, you’re actually stupid. Not only can you not spell Pigeon, you have to bring up new arguments just to try win. We get it, you’re unable to beat me with words, and thats okay.

Yeah, because everything you said was previously debunked. I guess you have a really major issue with learning how to scroll up.

Tldr: You’re the most intellectually struggled individual in the forums, and I will gladly help you if you want my help.

By magic infused I mean the warriors own magic doofus :man_facepalming:

Same point above

you doing exactly what I said you were doing, twisting my original point

This ENTIRE TIME you still haven’t given me a single source, you just keep saying “scroll up”, I have, you got none left that I haven’t already disproven

Warriors implies to magic, other than the chaos naturally present above them. Again disproven because you don’t know how to read what Vetex says.

No? I was re-stating what I WAS SAYING. Again, you can scroll up to see the first message, and maybe reach an anthesis and change your ways to reach further educational intelligence.

Here are your sources, since ig you’re too challenged to scroll up??

gg man, again I can help pay for you to repeat your grade 1 education :fire:

I never denied this idiot, I simply stated that other curse users, like that loser Morock could also be killed by a Warrior using a gun

No… he can’t?? Typical Elemental curse users have an immunity to regular bullets. This has been stated SINCE THE SECOND UPDATE OF ARCANE ADVENTURES. (2015)

And it’s confirmed again by Elius, and literally every other source in the existence of Arcane Curses lmao

Vetex literally in the screenshot says, “The Absorption doesn’t work like the others” and “in the sense than you can turn into the element to dodge or travel”

You seriously need to learn how to read

highly doubt that considering savants can’t even learn a lost up until near max level (which is the canonical build the MC is)

hes silent now.
The same heretic BURNT 6 times! I AM TRULY AM A CURSE!!!

Okay, but classes are a purely game play concept. Like sure people could specialize and call themselves conjurer or warlock ect. But technically everyone in the AU lorewise is a savant, so bringing in skill points is kinda moot.

Edit: Minor grammar correction.

yea but it’s still kind of funny to make fun of the game’s design VS what’s canon in the lore

fair enough

In the words of vetex, builds aren’t canon. You aren’t locked to a few specific ways, its all about training. Peacekeepers a savant too, forget about that?

Nah he will because he’s potential man

I think hes refering to a statement by vetex about the reason why ao mc can harm curse users even as a warrior being that they subconsciously imbue it with magic energy after the first awakening

Not everybody is a Demi-god. And this was not what I said above. I don’t know why but ig some of you cannot read/ scroll up to find out what i actually said.

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Aura tracing can be used by anyone with enough training not just demigods lmao

Yep. This is how Neviro will likely utilise his Darkness Curse Inheritance (if he hasnt already, his spear has dark traces on it)

nvm, i remembered

no, they can’t.
I don’t understand why everybody in this thread think The AO mc and Neviro are good examples to be used. One is a demigod, the other literally inherited an advanced cursed.

A warrior with good training probably will never with exclusively his own skill be able to kill an elemental curse user, because he does not have the spirit energy to manifest his magic energy. (how magic is used.)

tldr of the discussion, the wielder of the Absorption curse will never be the strongest because they do not have the defensive properties other curse users have, along with the curses they have being stored in the Absorption Curse (so no bypass)

If Durza was smart, maybe he could have obtained a devourer to obtain other curses separate from the Absorption Curse to obtain the defensive properties of Elemental Curses.
And no, not everybody in the AO verse can do this, all of the people here using minority examples really need have a dhar man lesson quote shoved into their skulls:
The ONE does not represent the MAJORITY.

If it was for only demigods, then vetex would say so. Aura tracing is common in the world, considering even the boxing mentor knows about it


Prometheus used his powers to give humanity the ability to manipulate their latent magic energy. Every human is capable of doing this, but only those with a high amount of spirit energy are capable of summoning magic circles, which allow them to use magic at its full potential. Magic circles are created to shape magic energy into an element or other kind of form in order to carry out the caster’s intent.

Quoted from the lore document

Literally proves anyone can use aura tracing

Thats the point.
Durza was a kiddo who got access to the aborption curse.
The pk was revived after being magic ash for 800 years.
he was trained by both theos and freedrock, two of the mightiest warriors, do you really think he is made of glass or sum shit?
And on top of it all the absorption curse may not give him the elemental protection, but it allows him to still use the abilities he used to defeat everyone who stood against him.