Who would win, martin or the forumers?

Forumers no diff. We are just built different.

Martin litteraly will laugh to death right after seeing forumers.

gilded healing gel: literally fucking healer from clash of clans

HERES THE PLAN. we get a resistance juggernaut with boxing and shield to take all the hits, we get more of those on standby to replace when his stamina gets low. everyone else uses range attacks. better yet use conj with bows and guns and use DoT. maybe a poison and ash mage as well

we’re all going to get 1 shot by a sea-sized aoe it’s not gonna happen :skull:

thats why we be juggernauts and attack with guns

screw it guns are overpowered when the mages’ spells are on cd equip plunderers (think magic mans still know how to operate a gun)

his AoE can’t be that big right (virtically i mean)

it’s an atlantean, by a lore standpoint we can splash it with warden pots and blinding pots to get rid of it’s senses

“we can jump him”

" we have the number"

my brother in vetex all he need is one self explosion and roughly 87% of you people will be gone cause barely anyone here is good at blocking, let alone parrying

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thats why you have resistance and boxing and shield as well as stamina foods

counterpoint: i fought maria

i would like that add that the 90% damage reduction from parrying wouldn’t be enough to stop him from 1 shotting even the tankiest builds
even a 99% damage reduction would be 1.6k damage so…

actually yeah you have a point, iirc Vetex made it so that the size formulla stop scaling after a while, so maybe his hitbox isnt actually that bad

yall seem to have forgotton about fortified status effect :skull: (horizon rosemary)

vitality bros on top!! ( we still cant damage him )

@HeyImFlower_Hana-San btw check this

martin gets kinda cooked ngl AI is only like single target

it won’t be able to handle a horde of several server’s worth of people zoning it.

the real question is…

can the forums beat ???

this… might work

you still need to parry every and every of his attack tho, even then most of us would probably lose our limb a few times cause most people i see have like 2k hp at best

hear me out on this

everyone runs this on a savant with 30 str minumin ice magic and guns. block, shoot him, block. then we can have magic savants ranging him with poison or ash so he takes DoT on top of gun damage

Lets generously assume thats 1000 people

Combined all 1000 of us would have a level of 136,000. He is stronger than 1000 max level players on his own