Who would win, martin or the forumers?

i dont think the roblox server itself can handle it dawg

this plus boxing and a shield should = more than 100 or at least 99.999999999999

just cuz he’s stronger doesn’t make him smarter

all we need to do is cheese him into a wall or something and spam placed explosions.

again here is a true threat to the player base:

8% of his damage would still easily one shot a max defense warden almost 10 times over

no thats just me mb

did you see the ping

boxing lowers it more

yes i read it before you even pinged it

0.5% of his damage still one shots

were in a party, so someone could jump down there to help him back up

If youre going in, go all out agility and power. No defense is saving you

right… i forgot how cracked resistance is :skull:

Everyone just drinks an invis pot and does as much damage as possible before getting one shot and repeat for each person and it’s easy

its only their for the resistance


works actually, assuming the server doesnt crash because 1000+ people cast their spell at the same time ofc

Resistance won’t help because even with it youll still be one shot

theres 1 thing we have on our side
we can respawn and slowly lead martin back into the bronze sea
where we can surround him or spawn in, get some chip damage and then die to repsawn again

it is possible to receive 0 damage if you resistance is high enough, i feel like its possible

imagine a lag-free superserver

shield too?