Who would win, martin or the forumers?

You would need to reduce his damage below 0.5% to live a single hit

you forgot that resistance only applies if youre charging an attack, so you would need something with generally little endlag but a slow charging rate

yes, you can, someone already achieve ( supposedly ) 100% res using items and surge

considering he was receiving 0 damage, not like 1 or something, i guess its 100

surge with its base 20% res:

blocking works to i think. surge would be busted, greatsword maybe

surge is close to medium range-

Then you might be able to live a hit but that seems unintentional and will probably get patched

as of now it works

let’s do it what time are we meeting

good thing Vetex doesnt make small update and like to edge us for month before releasing bug fixes then

yall seem to forget that vetex is in this too (although without admin powers) with his cataclysm magic

i feel like he’d just watch from a far, probbaly Tech too

probably laughing at our suffering

Theos didnt raise a pussy

his career is on the line

but i did-

Theos raised nobody his wife and kid/kids turned into ash babies

knowing roblox servers would crash as we about to win

Have faith, everyone can make a Metal Mage file with max Power and we are fine

complete sentence

so what metal glass mage?
