Who would win, martin or the forumers?

Ofc, unless they put us in a frikin Australia server

if most of us are gonna get vaporized anyway might as well as trying to get as much damage in as level said

assuming infinite server size, get a few max resistance players holding down block against martin, distracting him.

far far away, everyone else will be spamming big aoe and power attacks at martin, maybe could win, who knows

hey guys lets ask the abyss sea AU for advice

From the videos ive seen he has an aoe around the size of the island

so basically just maxxed size explosion mage then?

ok but we have boats

Perfect, we can spam gale potions and be tactical nukes. Also have some wind mages to launch us

Martin wins. Since Martin is an atlantean that’s been exposed to so much of the dark sea’s rain that they aren’t even human anymore, they could pass off as any gender and people would believe it unless they’re an expert on atlantean anatomy. The forumers would see a “woman” and immediately obsess over Martin and the forumers would do whatever Martin says without exceptions. You degenerates would probably be more interested in Martin than Iris to be honest, so Martin wins.

If it were actually as bad as people are exaggerating it to be, yes.

better idea vetex gives everyone cataclysm magic temporarily because he wants to be entertained

Flower WTF does this mean???



gimme a minute

Nah, he gotta do some math to figure out what she meant by that

she? I’m a guy that likes flowers. when im done with HS ill have an AA degree

MB bro… that PFP threw me off

i was going to change it soon, can never find something to pick

Change it to a flower

Just start acting stupid people will think you’re a dude.