Who would win, martin or the forumers?

already did it was a cherry blossom before

idk make a drawing of something besides a girl

fine you will get Dansu! Ando! Singu! Tsukasa Tenma for now (all i have on my school computer)

Much better…

A one second lagspike and he kills all of us

a two second lag spike and he dies with us as the server crashed

edited the main message

and if its all forumers it could be a hacker and they just kill him, or OLEG and he runs

Hold up lemme just give them an appropriate amount of awakenings and… they have every magic, fighting style, and imbuement.

If theres an exploiter forumers clear 0 diff not even close

sounds like savant

They’re a mage but there aren’t enough magics to give them the amount of awakenings that they need so I had to give them fighting styles and weapons.

Martin has 234262 stat points to work with. If he split them all as evenly as possible, he would have 58565 in two stats and 58566 in the others. His Attack Size is going to make the Tsar Bomba look like a little boy in comparison, and would probably warrant re-adding Attack Tiers 6-10, although that wouldn’t happen.

Assuming all armor caps off around 600, he’s mainly relying on the god-tier damage that comes from his level and the Saturn-sized attacks he spits out. We could theoretically all win at our current level, but there’d be a lot of dead people and the survivors would probably describe it as playing a Touhou game on Lunatic.

That reminds me, what would be the most useful Stat Build against Martin? I feel like Mages have the best shot because they’re about range, but Oracles might be handy as well.

conjurers and warlords have imbued muskets which if properly synergized, can be a huge asset towards taking down martin

also, conjurers have ice/snow+sunken sword, landing a rising tide somehow would be pretty helpful

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Blocking literally wouldn’t matter, even with a shield. Negating 70% of damage won’t save you if the base attack deals like 100k.

nah id win

He’s got a shit ton of health and probably a shit ton of AoE and damage. So, if one us slips, they are dead

he could wipe out literally all of us with a single aoe attack though, try to use a rising tide and theres not a single method of escape

I didn’t read all the messages but has anyone considered getting an army with max attack speed builds and just shooting him with light magic from a mile away. Ideally from different directions.

you know how fast a lvl 160k npc would move at the attackers? level 300 atlanteans are already impossible to outrun