Who would win, martin or the forumers?

nah. i’d win

Counterpoint: WE CAN RESPAWN

Cant we just stun-lock him with frozen, paralyzed and petrified?

Forumers would have a fair chance with 9.8k people… assuming we don’t all get oneshotted instantly due to the aoe

Paralyzed wouldn’t work as Atlanteans are immune to paralysis from soaked.

still, we have to exploit every unfair game mechanic to even stand a chance in winning

Unfair mechanics don’t help terribly much when the enemy is capable of one-shot attacks the size of an entire island…

rb1 and his 5000 alts will gank martin

and that one gunslinger guy

Forumers may win if we have Adkins by our side

Frozen effect:

All we need is prep time

Maybe we can finally pull off the frozen + metal synergy

with out current level (soon to be 140 max in the next update), Martin is like x836 stronger than a singular player that would lvl 140, result can be depending but most likely Martin would win. We never seen what his potentional powers were. if he just used explosion magic or any aoe moves that that can just nuke eradicate us

even so, Martin can still one shot :sob:

He can just punch you and just eradicates you to dust

we would need at least 5 Rear Admiral Adkin, Martin is 5 times stronger against Adkin

The only way we stand a chance is if we have infinite stamina and magic energy, with atleast level 500 across the board.

Not even, bro can sneeze and it’ll cause an explosion equivalent to a max attack size Sparrow Thrust.

fr though, not even a punch is needed, a singular sneeze is all it needs to overkill :sob:

Legends say he can cut an island by only moving a finger