Why does strong oath still have more value than heavy woj?

i mean honestly, strong oath is barely rarer than heavy woj and its almost completely useless. Is it because in game people freak out over it and overpay or something? I genuinely want to know.

demand, also it’s kinda useful for killin exiled

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thats a secondary reason that you could consider in its value but ripping little timmy off =/ value so no
the reason why its more valuable is because of its demand like elment said. Just look at the most recent marketplace posts. A good bit are for oathkeepers but nearly none are for wojs


^ it’s more valuable simply bc it’s cooler tbh

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Not really but you can apply that to why it has more demand; WoJ is more useful but it does really jack shit also you can get a decent amount of blocking power even without a WoJ, meanwhile the oath while very weak it can beat exileds raging storm and is way cooler as you said.

I think partially why it has a lot more demand is the fact that some players think it’s still how it was in it’s former glory (aka old raging storm :sleeper: )

i mean depends on how you look at it because if you are a pvper you want a heavy woj since you probably wont be a weapon main because 99% of pvpers are magic users, but if trader, the value matters more than its usefulness.

People consider strong oathkeeper more due to demand, but realistically heavy wall of jericho is more useful and way less punishable.

true, woj is orders of magnitude more useful, just looks awful in game. really hope the model placement is redone in ao

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i hope so lol

alright then, understandable but pretty annoying since the reason oathkeeper has high demand is because little timmy cant beat exiled and thinks rs is op :fr:

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I don’t think demand carries value that hard, all it does is put you in a good position. I have nuclear telling me powerful chest plate is worth a clean Ss because it’s part of one of the best sets in the game? Even tho clean Ss demand is WAAAYYYY higher. But then he says heavy woj is less than strong oath even tho heavy woj is one of the most useful items in the game?? Sounds contradicting @Nuclearman7

that’s just a trader trying to scam you.

No armor piece is ever going to be worth more than its matching weapon unless one or more of these are met:
1: Each armor piece is obnoxiously OP. (needs to be rebalanced)
2: The weapon is literal garbage. (needs to be rebalanced)
3: The person you’re trading with has no use for the weapon due to their stat build.
(3 only applies to specific people, obviously)
4: For some stupid reason, each armor piece is actually rarer than the weapon.

No Ik clean Ss> any powerful sunken armor due to demand, in just pointing out how contradicting nuclear is

ripoff value

Well yes you know but he still tried.

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Lol he doesn’t even have a powerful sunken chest.

why is this sunken value debate now? do us a favor and just make a damn thread for it.

He was just using it as an example in an attempt to display trader “inconsistency.”

Powerful chest, 1/8 for this good enchant compared to a clean ss. Its also part of the best set you can get whilst clean ss is basically useless in pvp whilst also being easier to get chance wise. Demand carries it a lot

Your other argument i countered in the other topic so Trading Accuracy Game (TAG) - #35 by Nuclearman7

No its not lmfao

Also all of your reasons are applied to this value in varying amounts

  1. Powerful chest isnt obnoxiously OP but its pretty good and gonna be even better in ao (if its not outclassed)
  2. Ss is pretty garbo, only good for weapon mains which are ez kills
  3. This happened a decent amount
  4. Technically with enchants in mind it is