and what happens when the pvp change isn’t small?
ie, removing agility, or nerfing swimming speed gems (imagine exploring a diving structure, but you brush with an urchin and your speed gets murked because you took damage and now have a combat tag)
and what happens when the pvp change isn’t small?
ie, removing agility, or nerfing swimming speed gems (imagine exploring a diving structure, but you brush with an urchin and your speed gets murked because you took damage and now have a combat tag)
I was about to look up “pedophilia law” to prove that yes, it still counts but then i realized id get put on every watchlist ever
Ah I actually thought he did some to a kid
“I don’t like children. I only like fictional children.”
Every watchlisf except P. Diddy’s HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahshshshahahshahaahahahahahahaha
reply n°20 (post n°21) btw
ok can we stop caring about the fucking weirdo and get back to the point
at this point youre just giving them the attention they crave
Oh. Oops.
To be fair, just because something isn’t “hard” doesn’t mean it can’t be made less enjoyable; for example, I greatly enjoyed having 2 reflex dodges and having it cut to one was an inconvenience for PvE activities. Same with the swim speed change, it’s inconvenient to have your speed reduced because of the combat tag if you received it from a shark for example.
Fun fact! Under the (United States) PROTECTION act of 2003, Lolicon art is considered Cheese Pizza. If you know what that meant, you would also know this is illegal.
You people calling everything and everyone a pedo leads to this:
If only you cared about real children as much as you do about fictional ones!
I second this, too many posts have been derailing to more serious issues recently
agility was very deserved
having to spend an extra 10 seconds to dash somewhere is a cheap tradeoff for ending tons of world pvp toxicity
for swimming speed gems, it’s not like you’ll be in combat for 100% of the time you’re underwater jeez
and even if you talk about Agility being unhealthy for the game as reason to remove it,
why is it unhealthy?
Because PVP players complain about having to fight against agility builds, having to deal with them running away in bounty hunts, and so on.
Yet again, a PVP issue causing game-wide change to ALL players
why yes it is! take 3 seconds away from gooning to pictures of literal children and look it up
agility is literally becoming a gem stat so i dont see how thats relevant
i can see pve having issues with this but i dont really think swim speed gems are insanely useful for diving anyway. then again i only abyss dive so i might just not be in the same situation as the people who get use out of them
Pack it up Ana! We know it’s you…