Why isn't AO as famous as AA?

completely agree tbh

Tbh this is probably because of the fact it’s an early access, hyped as hell, unfinished game.
Not saying that expectations were too high, but rather the sheer bulk of content that needs to be added is contributing to these player number droughts.
And to be fair, AO did get like 10-13k players on opening day from what I recall.
I mean, how many people do you think got upset that Warden wasn’t added, or that half of their build wasn’t useful and was hindering them? Probably a lot.

Not to mention, the Dark Sea is… Unpolished, and not worth the fact that all the loot you more or less need is so insanely rare. After all, y’know how long most trips take in there?
2-3 hours.
2-3 hours of mostly just sailing. This is round-trip, btw. All for MAYBE 6-12 chests that give you shitty armor sets and sail patterns.
The Dark Sea is an awesome concept, but it should NOT be a surprise that the update died out as quickly as it did.

Thankfully Vetex is planning to add more content to it

the passive playercount increases every update, last brewing update it was like 1 k now we’re getting 1,8 k to 2 k today is saturday ao has nearly 3 k players

i remember AO having like an absurd number like 100k on opening day

yeah I don’t think it got to 100 k i remember it being 97 k or something

From what I remember, for every new big update, the player count was around 8K-11K for a few days before dropping back to something like 1K to 5K. But the passive player count does increase each update, simply because there is more things to do. When features like the alignment system, clan building, maybe professions (and the Dark Sea improvements that are planned (unless I saw this from a parallel universe I dunno)), passive player count will increase a lot more I think

Where do you find this shit bro :sob:

(undertale final showdown discord) idk

It’s the complete opposite, actually. They LOVE power fantasies. Which is why grinding games like Blox Fruits, in which you can spend a lot of time and completely decimate people a hundred or thousand levels below you, are more in their radar.

So in a game like Arcane Odyssey where level 125 is the limit, which makes them leveled with other people, and thus can’t properly one-shot other players, does not fly well by them. Also, it has a story, which they don’t care for, and can’t randomly start beating enemies from second 1 into the game.

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It was like 100k

answer is too complex and theres a heap of factors.

  • AO is laggy as shit and you need a good pc to be able to enjoy it and not run it 10fps.

  • AA at the time was a different ballpark of its own

  • People on roblox were more impressionable at the time probably cause they were younger.

  • AO doesn’t have alot of content. yes there is dark sea but that is pretty bare bones on its own. Once you get all ur scrolls from that theres not much reason to go there besides make luck brews and what not.

  • AA had less roblox games to compete with

  • even though i said that AA was a different ballpark of its own. It did share some similarities with other Roblox games on the platform at the time, similarities players were already familiar with. Just that AA did it better.

you’re actually referring to the copy version that was released shortly before ao, wom had way more visits (a part of ao’s current visits belong to the original wom)

thanks for the correction

ok so to put this into perspective: back in AA’s time, having 10k players would be comparable to blox fruits having 500k now.

roblox games had hundreds of players, not thousands, much less tens of thousands.
like the highest I ever saw AA get to was around 2k-3k immediately following an update.

now don’t get me wrong, for that time, getting those kinds of numbers still made a game well within the front page lol.

blame doge king not me!!

roblox wasnt so popular back then 10k was an insane amount of players in 2016

yeah but the TOP of TOP page games had at least 10 k

This probably isn’t a contributor to the success difference. Still, something I miss about AA is tiers affecting your casting animation and the circles, instead of just giving bigger attacks and better effects (which I didn’t even notice because the differences between tiers seem very gradual). Back then you were locked into casting all spells with both hands. At tier 3 (which is where we’re at now) you could use that spell with only one hand, which felt super powerful. Then at the highest tier (5 in AA, 7 in AO) you would gain extra overlapping circles on your spells, powering them up even more. It made progression feel more powerful and tiers more noticeable. ESPECIALLY with ultimates. I remember counting down the levels before I would get the one-handed ultimate with extra circles, because it was that exciting.

Maybe the one-handed casting shouldn’t be re-added, since casting styles would be less customizable. But I really wish the overlapping circles returned as a benefit from higher tiers, instead of being exclusive to specific casting styles. They looked and felt so cool.

The overlapping circles are in the game

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