Why the Savarians are the noblest peoples in Magius

Introductory Notes

There are a few things that I feel expedient to clearly state before starting this essay proper:

  1. This is not an opinion post for the most part, but a factual presentation of the very truths of the world.

  2. This is not to say that the other cultures of the world are evil, but that the people of Savaria, Redwood, Sabura and the other members of the great Desert Lands Diaspora are simply of better quality, both morally and factually.

  3. This is a project and will be continually updated until it is finished. The goal is to provide an enlightening, unbiased, generally pleasant document for the educated and well bred to enjoy.

  4. If you are a Vistarian, don’t bother commenting. Your kind is certainly not welcome in any topics of my personal making. The same can be said for Alaleans, though I reckon the only kind of art their kind is interested in is in the art of racking their pockets.

With that being said, please feel free to peruse and thoroughly absorb this humble Savarian’s great work, crafted for the education and the proper appreciation of the people towards my noble kin.

Noble Savaria

There exists an adage amongst the peoples of the Desert Lands that of all the races, the great, noble and kind Prometheus granted us exceptionally strong spirits, brave hearts, and fair countenances. Although this belief is not substantiated by any modern professors on the topic (and is directly rejected by the Vistarian ones, go figure), it is clear to see that we Savarians birth some of the bravest, most talented and most beautiful children in all of Magius.

From the time of the great god Prometheus’ gift of life to humanity, we Savarians have constantly displayed our excellence and proficiency in all things from the world to see. Even with the great destruction of the lands, we Savarians, now split apart from our brethren, still quickly adapted to our new environments, simply becoming masters of our environments once more.

It is said that when the noble Prometheus first shared his discovery of the magic arts in that old isle Ian’s Cross, the first to take his words to heart was of the lineage of Old Savaria. Noticing something peculiar about the blessed sage, the noble young man, instead of jeering at him, paid close attention to his teachings and drew the crowds to him. This alone displays the great sensuality and spirituality of our fellow brethren.

Divine Savaria

As earlier stated, the Savarians have a very intimate relationship with the perpetuation and the origin of the magics in the people of the world. Having been the first partakers of the divine gift of that generous god Prometheus, we are the first explorers - the first to have felt that sacred aura flow through our bodies and course through our veins. It is we who first spread the news to the people of the world, and it is by this that we took part in that divine ritual.

The Savarians have always had an intimate relationship with the magics and the progenitor Prometheus. Even before the Golden Age, when most of mankind had long forgotten the identity of the god that had breathed life into them, we of Savarian ancestry almost exclusively worshiped the great one, and even then we offered unto him songs of his superiority and faithfulness. It is speculated amongst our elders that it is because we worshiped him prior that the magic was revealed to us first.

On the other peoples of the Earth

Of the other kinds of peoples to walk the Earth, there are but two whose existence is an affront to everything holy, good and pure below the heavens: The Vistarians and the Alaleans.

The Alaleans

Having descended from the great betrayer Cursebeard, the Alaleans are a filthy and sorely repugnant bunch. As their ancestry is filled to the brim with disgusting pirates, thieves, raiders and piss-drinkers, they are devoid of any social decorum or etiquette and are generally unpleasurable to meet or socialize with.

Even now they continue to spread their filth, working all kinds of wickedness in any place they find themselves. They are protected by that accursed and plagued rat Arsen, who was a loyal dog of the great betrayer himself. That fool Arsen, seemingly having no regard for the sacred and the natural order of things, continues to politically shift the MC’s intentions in favor of his disgusting seed, seemingly not fearing the same judgement from the heavens that befell his deplorable master Cursebeard.

The Alaleans are responsible for a great number of the injustices in the world, and certainly make up most of the council members of the MC (largely due to nepotism and Arsen’s efforts), showcasing their lack of mettle, strength and beauty in the battlefield. A generally horrible, reproachable bunch. They are also friends of the damned Vistarians, another one of their great evils.

The Vistarians

Unlike their equally repulsive half (the Alaleans), not much is known about the Vistarians other than that they lived in Altavista before the wiping out of the islands, and that they alongside the Alaleans share a common ancestry. Nonetheless, we are certain that in whatever time period these rodents lived, they spread evil all around them. The Vistarian lives for battle, gaining pleasure only in destruction and ruin.

The Vistarians are the absolute scum of society, and are a blot on the collective history of humankind. Like rats navigating the sewers and gutters of an otherwise beautiful city, these vermin suck out the value of anywhere they live and are a general detriment to all human societies to have existed. From time immemorial these insects and maggots have traveled through the land razing down and destroying the hard work of other cultures in order to survive, really only settling in Altavista after being driven out by other cultures for their general degeneracy.

If the etiquette and decorum of an Alalean were as repugnant as a runny shit splattered on the ground, that of a Vistarian would be as putrid as an ocean of that runny shit. It is not even accurate to call the random gruntings and convulsions of this race communication, as it is more comparable to the barking of dogs or the grunting of a baboon.


  1. Vistarians make up about 80% of all evil wizards in Magius.
  2. Of all drastically evil human figures in history, a great portion of them were Vistarian.
  3. Vistarians are inherently evil. There are no good Vistarians.
  4. The ancestor of all Vistarians was basically the AU equivalent of Cain from the Bible, the first sinner. The mark was not a physical one but a metaphorical one: the Vistarians were robbed of their morality and good graces in the eyes of mankind but cannot be touched because of their superior barbarism.

The Skylians

As descendants of the people of the cloudy seas, the Skylians are blessed with astounding talent in the arts of magic, and will always make sure to express as much, the pompous sky rats. If you’ve never spoken to a Skylian, I would only suggest you do if you are remotely interesting in studying the magic arts as their kind is admittedly quite knowledgeable in those stuffs, but are so insufferable to talk to that any knowledge you do gain from the interaction will simply sizzle away from your increasing frustration and irritation.

My father was a fisherman in his youth, and, feeling nostalgic of the cool breeze and calming seas of the Savarian beaches, he thought it a somewhat interesting and fun adventure to travel with me to the coastal Savarian territories, from whence his mother hailed. It is always a humorous adventure to watch a Skylian try to work a boat, as their kind is thoroughly inept in the practice, though I suppose we Savarians are quite multifaceted in that way.

Whispers around my shop have it that the upper class Skylians are all inbred, and will actually disown or donate their child to some poor family if they have not unlocked their magic powers by the age of 12. The lower and middle class of their society is mostly consisted of the less gifted in the magic arts, and are considered disposables by the upper class. I have no way of confirming or denying this, but I will say that all the Skylian businessmen and women that have visited my shop look suspiciously similar.

That being said, although they are not as beautiful as the Savarians, they are quite fair and, unlike our people, that statement can be interpreted in both ways. Their complexion is whiter than goat’s milk, and their skin appears so clear that you can easily see the pulsating veins within them. I will say though that they are clearly polite and well raised people, and their dialect of the modern tongue with its sing-songy intonation makes for some pleasant listening.

The Doomyrians

I have often said that were I not a Savarian, I would yet wish to be a Savarian, but might consider for an instant the idea of being a Doomyrian. Although an instant might seem a scale of time too miniscule for this to be considered a compliment, for a proud Savarian such as myself, to even entertain in the slightest the idea of being something other than a Savarian is praise more brilliant than the finest jewels and more valuable than the most luxurious spices.

The Doomyrian people, widespread and mighty as they are now, were not always so, and are said to have hailed from the then insignificant and unnoticable island of Doom (an exonym, no doubt). Largely ignored by the world around them, these most gallant people had long become masters of the land around them, raising fine, noble warriors. It is said that when the brave Roran noticed that their previous chief Marua had been possessed by that evil staff (an event likely instigated by a Vistarian), he wasted no time on sentiment and immediately began planning to be rid of his beloved leader. What more is there to show the outstanding bravery and valor of these peoples? Small and meager as they were, even in the age of the peacekeeper they managed to rise from the ashes of the cursed Durza’s attack. What oustanding resilience these people have!

Because their peoples are ruminant and wander the lands with the passing seasons, I have come across them quite often in my shop. They are a fine and honest people, devoid of malice and skilled in many things. The wood which they sell is of supreme quality. So smooth and resilient are their timber and logs that I, as a starting shopkeep, was incessant that my shop be build with them so as to endure the sandstorms that Savera ever so infrequently suffers.

The Canopians

Not much is known about the Canopians, and their influence on the history of the world at large has been minimal for as long as their existence has been known of. Therefore, I am only able to speak of whisperings, murmurs and rumors heard across Sabura concerning these elusive peoples, and not of any first hand accounts of their behavior and temperament.

It is said that the Canopians, preferring a quiet, non-violent lifestyle, find the idea of killing another creature for one’s sustenance crude and repulsive, choosing instead to feed on the fruits and tubers that they can find. They may occasionally eat tiny portions of meat, but only from that which had been found dead. Whether these principles are religious in nature or simply the result of general societal consensus is not known though, and nor is the degree to which these statutes are enforced.

Although I consider their withdrawal from affairs that do not concern them admirable and most noble, it is necessary to state the harsh truth of this world: that those who shy away from violence will be subject to those who do not. I am certain the Vistarians and Alaleans are sitting in their offices, licking their lips at the thought of using them for their own benefit, wicked as they are. It is a sorry affair.

The Snow Folk

Although I had earlier stated that very little is known about the Canopians, even less is known to me about these enigmatic peoples. This is likely because of the polarity between the habitats and cultures of our respective peoples. As a Savarian forged and baked by the sun, I can relate to very little about this snow faring culture (thank the gods for that), and can consequently say very little of them.

As the environment in the frozen deserts is completely inhospitable to most flora, their people rely almost solely on animal produce for day-to-day sustenance, and deal in the ice and fur trade, a most inane and stupid thing to involve oneself in while living in the Ember Desert. Consequently, I have never laid eyes upon any of their produce myself, and can not give a solid opinion on their quality.

What I can and will say is that any peoples who have been so cursed by the gods to live in such uninhabitable conditions must have committed holy sacrilege of such blasphemous intensity that even the reprobate Alaleans and Vistarians would quiver at its utterance.

The Keihatsu

This is yet another culture of which I know very little, and I have barely had any interaction with them save their infrequent visits to the city to trade their goods with ours. Everything from their ships to their attire and their writing is quite foreign to me, and I often find myself in awe at the unique contraptions that they bring with them on those ships.

Of these unique wares, none are more impressive than the Katana, which is a long, slender sword that is sharper than any blade I have seen in quite a while. It is a beautiful blade, and its elegant design is matched only by its deadliness in battle. I immediately brought these blades to my shop when I saw them, and almost instantly they began to sell out. It is said that they are able to cut through stone.

My impression of the Keihatsu peoples are that they are quite stern and dutiful, almost to a fault. It gives them an air of elegance, but also makes them nigh unapproachable, and makes the small bits of conversation we inevitably engage in feel as aggravating as the rantings of a nagging mother. When they are not being stern, they are quite polite. So uncomfortably polite, in fact, that it becomes unbearable to hear them continue speaking.

The Alvarians

Seeing as my previous rant on this vile, reproachable entity was surely reported and subsequently hidden by a seething Vistarian, I shall simply repost it here, as no words need be said other than that which it contained:

They’re like the fallen angels of the Bible, mingling with the lower beings and tainting themselves. It’s disgusting and heretical by nature and should not exist. They tainted themselves with filthy Alalean blood and are no longer worthy of the Savarian name.

They can wallow in the mud like their pig brethren, if they so please.
However, I, like the great god Prometheus, am a merciful person, and would happily welcome the fallen brothers back if they give up their Alalean name, affliations, and practices instantly. And I mean instantly.

Anyone who desists must be put to the sword or abandoned and disowned immediately, anyone who marries into an Alalean must be abandoned and disowned, in order for you to even have a chance of integrating yourself fully into the Savarian society one of your family must serve in the military and prove themselves loyal to Savaria. If they die you immediately become an honorary Savarian.

If you fail the process, you leave or are put to the sword.
Also you lose the ability to marry into another Alvarian and your family must ONLY marry into pure blooded Savarians so that the dirt in their Savarian blood can be overwhelmed and eventually erased. If you ever have children with another Alvarian you will immediately be put to the sword with no chance of leaving, since now you are not only spreading your own filth but creating more filth in this world.

These are just my suggestions, though. The leaders of Savaria as is would be wise to take my council seriously lest the maggots and vipers overrun us and eat up Savaria as well. I’ve already got enough Vistarians appearing in my shop and stinking up the place. Filthy fucks.

If my words do not please you ears, take that not as a call to arms but as an indication as to how truly repulsive and insulting the existence of the Alvarian is to the noble Savarian peoples. I wake from my bed every day, hoping and praying that the Alvarian peoples simply disappeared from this world, and every day they remain alive and breathing. It is a disgrace, an utter disgrace.



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was about to ask ‘wait savarians are noble???’ at first


Let me guess, Vistarian?
If not that, then Alalean?

Very funny joke. You won’t be laughing in the great cleansing’s wake, when you and all your people will be scorched and roasted to death in the infinite pits of the depths of Tartarus for all the wickedness you have wrought upon the world.

I wasn’t laughing, just curious/intrigued

Savarians not so high and mighty when Ramses was terrorizing the island lmao

First of all, Ramses wasn’t actually a pure Savarian. His father had Alalean ancestry. It’s why the Alalean genes in him finally kicked in and made him go batshit crazy on his own people.

Secondly, Savaria was severely weakened. That portion of the world was initially part of the great island that Sabura, Redwood, and the other desert islands came from, but didn’t have any warriors and was poor in resources.

It’s the truth that Alaleans keep trying to hide. That’s why they keep rewriting and burning books recording past history and replacing them with fake duplicates. Because they know that their coward rat scum dog shit leader Arsen will protect them from anything. They are cowards and perpetual losers and will receive their share triple fold when the time comes.


my man being xenophobic to online lego game characters lmfao


say, what do you think of the alvarians?

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so much for merciful

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tyrants and dictators be like:

is your wom main file a castlian if I may ask

I reset my files until I got a Castlian file.
It’s still got filthy Alalean blood, but the Castlians split off their filthy cousins, and are somewhat better for it.

Nevertheless, were WoM to ever get a culture expansion, I would reset that one too to get a Savarian without question.

@ItsameTree Can’t talk anymore so here:

You do not understand.

The ability to discern who is and who is not of the lineage of the Vistarian muck is a gift akin to supernatural precognition, and unfortunately only pure-blooded Savarians have the refined expression of mind necessary for the feat, as I am.

They surely are equivalents to Vistarians in the War Seas. After all, those lands are plunged with the violence of war, and the sounds and smells that erupt from it is like sweet savory incense to the nose and divine harp to the ear of the Vistarian. Therefore, they are likely somewhere in the War Seas. It is only necessary to look.

you know

now that like

ao is happening so all the cultures are getting yeeted

who you gonna hate now?

sounds like fun.

dafuq? also your racist

magic was started by an evil force (chaos) so if you are close to it your close to evils aswell

actually he didnt go crazy he was brought back from the dead by Durza. Also the ysaid that king Ramses was scary as hell yeah but those notes were written by his enemies (the ones that would catch his hands)
