Will we be able to Mutate former Mutation Magics in AO?

i actually wonder why mutations arent a thing in wom.
i dont mean the magics resulting from mutations.
i mean the ability to change your magic into something different.
considering magic has become more advanced, why is this ability no longer possible (or at least no longer mentioned)?

unless it’s something like lower-level magic and higher-level magic, and only lower-level magic can change because higher-level magic is so advanced it can’t change. and magic in wom is so advanced that everyone starts with higher-level magic.

Ya, never said it wasn’t a mutation in that context. I’m talking about Plasma as it occurs in WoM where you don’t take Fire and turn it into Plasma, thus no longer qualifying it as a mutation because nothing is changing or mutating.

Plasma Magic naturally occuring without the need to first mutate Fire Magic would be a result of genetic mutations, but the Magic itself is no longer a Mutation (of Fire or in general).

my guess it just became no longer needed and mutating took a bit of effort to do. you just didn’t casually did it or so, and with the addition of lost magics and primordials you see with flare, aether, etc.

they’re mutations but they seemingly can be easily learned by knowing what to do with the scroll filling your 4th or 5th mind and thus is kinda became impractical to learn ig.

and as said with plasma, magma and ash becoming natural advancements on magic seen on magius it phased out and became unneccesary even more or so to mutate.

(wording a bit funky on my end aaa)

They are present in AO but since the War seas are more advanced than the Seven seas, they get the magic advantage, they are ahead of the Seven seas therefore they have better Magic

mutations were just an unatural way to evolve magic and things are always evolving so mutations would not be redundant

actually i can confirm he did say that

This was from this post

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you can also find some other good points to note, magic is essentially hundreds of years ahead of its time in the war seas due to being near mount olympus

So Vetex probably defines Mutations the same way I do

magic was frist introduced as primitive with nothing other than special abilitys like teleporting and other such non elemental things , and then it was the basic ones water, fire, earth, wind, lighting, light, and dark and (other than curses) was there any magic other than those before mutations?

not exactly essentially due to magic being so far advanced, mutations just became a normal magic type like we see in WoM due to the magical influence of mount olympus. Essentially the reason why is the same reason why in WoM, just because magic is that much better now

aether lightning, and poseidon. both dev only magics but arent mutations.
they arent entirely non-canon either since they have actual lore behind them i believe

yeah but Poseidon was a creator of magic and i got no idea on the lore behind aether lightning

but what im saying is without mutations magic didnt change for years upon years

wasn’t vetex’s story non-cannon or so cause it might be the only explantion on why aether lightning exists to my knowledge

wait a fucking second, did theos get his sunshine and phoenix magic before or after the start of mutations?

Uhm- Read the lore doc

He said Mutations don’t exist in AO despite there being Magics that formerly required mutating to be used. This implies that Mutations are qualified by the need to go from one Magic to another (which is how I define it).

Aether Lightning was non-canonically created by Ve himself, which means that it existed after Magics were already established (especially when considering the only explanation given to its origin is that he combined Aether and Lightning Magics)

Poseidon Magic idrk. Poseidon should technically be older than Magic as given to humans, but we also don’t know when he created it.

Presumably after. Read the lore doc, man.

i cant really find the doc ill check the wiki

see if this has it

He had accidentally mutated his magic from the strength of his feelings alone, and now he could cure any sickness or injury with his new phoenix-flames.
well fuck me natural mutations (this is from the trello)

He still mutated it from Fire Magic, so it’s not naturally-occuring. What’s this (naturally-occuring Mutations) to do with the previous conversation?