AO Lore and Magic issues considering Time period

The exact time that AO takes place, is one month after beating durza, the way vetex words it, the peacekeeper hasnt beaten hades yet. Meaning he hasnt taken on the title of peacekeeper yet nor started erasing the countless curses that durza’s defeat had brought back into the world.

Not to mention this is before the magical advancements of the WoM century. before mutations became standard elements, and before the 4th or 5th mind were discovered. meaning we have a little weird spot here that needs discussion.

Sea Curses

Mind you originally in AA, the reason players were not going to take any was because they were all taken up by other humans and durza. Considering curse beard is dead in this timeline and durza is now gone, that means countless curses that durza absorbed and curse beards curses are now released into the world. Not to mention the curse users we killed or were killed along the way, like Rupin, arsen, valencia, morok, etc

Vetex could ignore this plot point, i dont blame him.

That being said we have a interesting plot point to bring up. Considering the circumstances, Bringing unbound curses into the mix of what the players could use might be an interesting mechanic. I specify unbound because thats the only type that allows more than one user of a curse type.

We could even bring plot into this by having AO involve helping people become curse users and eventually we can choose a specific type to become an unbound curse user

I dont know what vetex’s plans are but im just bringing that into light.

Mutations and Minds

We have a bigger issue on our hands, mutations. Multiple mutations are now regular elements, especially rare ones like plasma or magma. How do we explain this. Especially when currently we only have our first mind.

Second, a person can only have 1 mutation as far as i know. When you choose your second mind however you could choose another mutation magic (magma, plasma). Not to mention how do you explain the 5 minds now?

Third, certain “Lost Spell types” arent lost in this day and age, and are generally known as mutations. (like Pheonix, gravity, aether, death, life, equinox, atomic[im assuming this became apocolaypse bringer]), How do you explain these magics just able to be learnt like that? there are issues here.

We need to figure out how this is possible in the current time frame so the lore isnt shot to hell

It states in the lore doc that after defeating Durza they earned the nickname “The Peacekeeper”, but yes Durza being defeated means there are tons of curses in the world again

There are no 4th or 5th minds, Lost and Primordial magics are learned through different means. This is what the lore doc states (note the last sentence)


Allowing players to get curses would just destroy the progression of the game and make things such as Lost/Primordial magics useless. Why learn those magics when you can hunt for Sea Curses?

The War Seas are much more magically advanced than the Seven Seas due to the bloodlines of the region. Since it was near Mount Olympus, there have always been strong bloodlines and wizards in the region for hundreds of years, advancing magic to its limits.

Mutations do not exist in the War Seas

Yes there are Lost Spells. The War Seas are a complete different side of the world, they don’t have everything the same as the Seven Seas. It just seems like you missed a lot of the points in the lore doc


well thats about as good an answer as possible since it comes from the guy who wrote the lore himself. Everything you said made sense except for one bit

If you read a bit under, i was mentioning you could tie this to the storyline, or just high level in general and have a curse user bestow an unbound curse. It doesnt have to destroy progression if you make it a part of progression. Not to mention most curses we know have nothing to do with the current plans for lost magic types.(except for promethian fire of course) Im not at all saying you need to do this, but i dont think it destroys progression, especially considering a player wont just get a curse and call it a day, they will most definately go after the lost magic types since they seem good as well.

Regardless you have mostly answered my questions, and what you say lore-wise goes, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Feel-free to lock the discussion if you think there is nothing left to discuss

If the war seas were near Mount Olympus, wouldn’t Cursebeard have had known about them? He went there to force Prometheus to make the curses and kill him, didn’t he?

why would you necrobump this?
Very Uncoool

because i have a genuine question

Curse beard is dead, who cares

to answer your question (plz dont necrobump over this just make a topic asking the question) The gods of mount Olympus had already moved from the war seas over to the seven seas before cursebeard did all the stuff he did… or he just never told anyone about the war seas

No, the gods didn’t “move”, most were long dead before Durza turned the world into islands


@Level i think this confirms war seas were affected by durza’s attack by the way :nod:

He would know of the area where Mount Olympus was before Durza’s attack turned the sea into islands, which I imagine was by continents of some kid. That’s like asking if Theos recognizes some sea because that’s where his home town used to be before it got obliterated, so of course not


The entire world was, pretty sure it states that in the lore


So your saying that the war seas were connected to the seven?
Also hello this is my first time meeting you

I’m very confused… Were the War seas part of the first continent before Durza’s attack? I don’t think a continent across the world would split from that attack, unless it went right through the core of Earth and split that too.

Probs the shockwave???

Idk, weird

No, they’re on the opposite side of the world


The attack changed the Earth’s atmosphere and corrupted its sea for thousands of years, it affected the entire earth the same way all around.


necrobumps are valid if they restart discussion

bruh…its a fucking ocean…

uncommon fact unknown by the general public, Torren actually killed Prometheus not Cursebeard. us chat-message hunters know this