WoM playerbase have a problem, and it's mostly centered around PvP (Rant)

I can confirm this, no one used hacks, we used the good ol 1 graphic starts

The Owner literally was using a bot ._.

tf u on

what no, Visan is the owner though???

Pretty sure you’re facing a common scenario, happens to all of us, called “skill issue”

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Are you ranting about rkers, or toxic pvpers. Which is it lmao. If you mean people who rk and spam eezezezezzezezezez after they do the kill yea sure they’re assholes. But you cant really count “tryhard pvpers in a roblox rpg” as an insult, i mean they do what they want and atleast they’re good at something you know. Just because you’re not good at that thing doesnt mean the thing is pointless. You’re the one ranting here anyways.

Fair enough.

Not like I expect hackers to admit to it. Lol

If we were truly using bots Vetex himself would ban us, let alone have us in his Guild. The moderators of this game also defend us. It’s just a skill issue on your end kid, get good.

The fact that you say “hackers” instead of “exploiters” already tells me how old your mentality is.

Wow, this rubs me off the wrong way.

Listen, nobody gives a shit about your PvP skill in a Roblox RPG.

You do, and so do most of the people that reply to this thread. People care, that’s why it’s a problem in the first place.

If there were any attention seekers around here, it’d probably be you, who doesn’t get enough attention irl and relies on a video game to prove yourself to others.

Epic, they call you a noob and a bot so you get to insult them as a person. This is what most of your rant is. "Pvper trash talks me and is ruining the game, (insert a personal insult about “toxic” pvpers.) You’re the same lol, if not worse; they’re calling you bad in a game so you go ahead and insult them as a person.

So what I have to say to you is stop fucking caring so much.

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What I’m saying is that the people who enjoy shit talking in game should need to shut the fuck up because you can name me one goddamn person on this Earth who would like to be called a failure and mistake after they lose a PvP match in a video game.

Also, the only time whenever I even mentioned about PvP skills is that part you quoted along with the fact that I’m not good at it. You can then bluff whatever you’d like but there’d still be no single sentence where I actually complain, whine, or rant about my lack of PvP experience. Yes, I originally cared about PvP and made multiple threads asking the forum for advice, but by this point I lost all interest in it altogether except for the occasional challenge (and with it the shit talk).

I’ve had people tell me to go kill myself and how I’m a disgrace to my family through in game private messages, I fucking swear, to me, they might not mean much, but there will be a time where they accidentally do that to somebody undergoing depression or something similar (99% of all of us are teenagers, and being depressed is what we do best). The rest is history.

Now before you call me a hypocrite and saying that I’m shit talking the shit talkers and as a result threatening them myself, let me remind you that these are the people who have the audacity to go ruin people’s days in a video game. Obviously, I can tell because of the way that they look down on people, and that they think they’re better than most others, so they apparently sport high self-esteem and are completely “happy” with themselves.


Skill issue tbh

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another victim of the skill issue

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technically that’s true but right now Im talking about keyboard warriors and not PvP skill specifically

Im fine with getting beaten down in a video game. When people overly brag about their win and calling their opponents failures or losers (along with irl insults)? Yeah, then I got a bone to pick

It’s just skill issue man, type faster ezez

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yeah skill issue ngl

@DeleterFetus I whole heartedly agree with your comment.

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Dude’s complaining about salt and also being salty at the same time.

Literally Skill issue. Just move your mouse and bang your keyboard faster man.

No its just the other players like you are so bad they dont have any other choice but give out false claims and hope for the guild to get disbanded.