World of Magic | Ironport

Ironport recreation I made around a month ago

Any feedback is appreciated :crocodile:


Yes SIRRRRRRR THATS THE WOM THAT I LIKE YOU GO MAN 10/10 SO FIRE :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::tada::tada::tada:

This looks pretty great. I’m pretty interested in those NPCs you have around the map especially, those MC guards look different from the current ones.
And is that a shipwright at the docks?
I’d like to see closeups of those NPCs.

Overall, I feel like this rendition of Ironport feels like a mashup of AO and WoM, and I love that.


Just ironport but with different land L
jk just add a few more stuff to it so it looks like a bigger better ironport (like the palo town revamp)

Also how did you get the ketch and stuff did vetex give you access to that?

I legit got hunted by some goofy sweaty npc explosion ironleg guy after typing that

The MC guards are seperate from the Scouts and Soldiers from WoM. They are their own thing with their own outfit.

I still have the scouts of course :slight_smile:

And also here are some close ups of other NPCs



This is a really cool project you got going

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Is this going to be a WoM remake?

If I knew how to script yea… I’m only good with building stuff so for now I’m just remaking the current WoM map, and later on I will add what was planned for it. :slight_smile:

We’re in the same boat then :frcryin:
I modeled this Hunger Games launch room a couple years ago, but hasn’t been used for anything cuz I can’t script

Pretty cool, I like it
I assume brewers are like tavern keepers?

This stuff is giving me some ideas honestly

god DAMN

looking fire but imo you could add a little bit more greenery, maybe a few flowerbeds or pots near houses and just a few more slight details around town

also dam bro can i get that fishmonger girl’s number :hot_face:

There is one being made by @Catean but last I checked, crispy doesn’t work on it.

Now remake the rest of the map :eyes:

Give me some time :crocodile:

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I’m a bit interested in the fact that there’s high cliffs around it now. And of course the NPCs, the civilians are not randomly generated right?

does he know its been remade already?

This has nothing to do with my game though, it’s just a fanmade revamped version of Ironport

better than the original LOL