World of Magic is terribly designed compared to AA

i sure hope something is planned to fix all of this

me too…

Dang, out of likes

The stationary boss fights were better than WoM’s artificial boss fights.

No WoM npc has a single unique AI, the Mino and Exiled’s AI are literally the same as a regular wizard with different attacks. Every single thing’s AI was the same and the so called “prediction” of movement is just based on your acceleration in a direction and they don’t dodge either, they just move in a random direction at random times.

Artificial difficulty = recycling old npcs/fights and just adding stats to them.

Actual difficulty = Having the encounters feel unique of eachother.

WoM is 90% artificial difficulty and the attacks are the 10% of actual difficulty.

Also the regular npcs aren’t worse it’s just buggier and depend a lot on randomness instead of tact.

By that logic AA was paid access most of the time :fr: which would heavily effect it as well not even counting over double the monthly users in 2020 compared to 2017

I’m on mobile and can’t quote but uhh

“every npc has the same ai”

Fair, although that could also be said about AA (almost every enemy had the same basic pathfinding and attacks)

“their “prediction” is just based off of the opponent’s acceleration and direction”

Uhh isn’t that what prediction actually is though? Even if it wasn’t it would be pretty hard to implement another prediction system

“they don’t dodge either, they just move in a random direction”

Bruh thats literally just dodging :fr: stop grasping at straws

I agree with everything else though (although I don’t know where you got the 90% artificial 10% actual from)

I’d implement a system at averages the last few seconds of movement to predict where they’d be. For example, if someone moves left and right, the movements will sort of cancel out and the NPC will aim straight for you. If you want forward but randomly stop, it will take your average velocity to guess where you’ll be.

shhhhhhhhhhh, dont tell em

The actual roblox game release of WoM was nearly 2 years ago, which was when work was started. It was only about a year later when the game was free to the public.

thank goodness the revamp will fix most of these, especially with guilds since right now they’re at the most basic/barebones state right now

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plenty of time

yes but the bosses are literally not that because they have completely unique movesets.

Their prediction instantly makes them better than AA NPCs and they actually do dodge.
They don’t just randomly step around, they move when you aim an attack at them.

lolok. I guess you really like running to the left or right to instant win regardless of how powerful the boss is.

then dont compare visits :fr:

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well in that case

even with more years to its name and twice WoM’s visit count, it still has less favorites and a worse like to dislike ratio

AA is playable while broken rn tho right??? pretty sure that would fuck up the like ratio


he’s got a really good point with this post

People tend to dislike abandoned/broken/paid-access games…

Also why would people continue to favorite a literally broken game…

I say mediocre because it’s 99% lighting, 1% actual design.

But most of his points are getting fixed anyway everyone’s had a rant already and I’d do one but I’m too tired.

It’s “Infamy”, not fame. You aren’t meant to be liked if you’re infamous, you’re simply well known. There are those that like you, and many that hate you.