You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

Also, special thanks to @BNTarwarn , @Figure , the alpha, macobre and ofc vetex and tech

part 2 of my riddle: Mr. Incredible Discovers Order 66 - YouTube

Tech still hasnt said or done anything :frcryin:
Makes me wonder why

prob bc ao boutta come out and we’re not close

tho tbh this wasn’t exactly much of a “riddle” so much as vague foreshadowing at best

we know that the Dove, Peace, is our protagonist from AA, so if i’m following correctly in AO we are to be an agent of war seeking conflict always in AO

dnc that this is a bump!!!

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Looking for conflict in the War Seas? No way

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why did i think about the magic school bus theme while reading this

looking to cause conflict

no, even your older art is good, if it’s improved at all i bet it’d be amazing

Are you saying that my terrible art and writing skills along with being antisocial dull with character designs still means I’m gifted?

Alright who wants to solve this before AO comes out?

It’s probably useless nobody care anymore

@DespicablBanana take your crack at this riddle

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riddle’s so vague :sob: i might take a crack at it after AO releases since we’d at least get partially into the story, unless this riddle was meant to be solved before AO dropped

Honestly, yeah. maybe it should be seen more as foreshadowing then an actual riddle. looking at how “riddle 1” from both trailers is used, that also seems more like foreshadowing

Alternative to my last theory: in this picture it sounded more like the dude was protecting something. so maybe, we are the ones trying to create chaos. and the order is trying to protect the war seas from this.

at least this riddle is an actual fucking riddle and not just half assed rhymes 4 times in a row like the one you did in 2020

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Honestly, i don’t even know why im still doing this. probably a last ditch effort to get this out of my system before the game releases

Looking back at the other riddle:

“golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last,”
Let’s imagine golden ichor here being royal blood. The royal blood also fits the “of long past” here, because the kingdoms of the war seas go back a long way.

“fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will,”
The first part definitely means “to join something” or to contribute to something. What could a royalty in the war seas join? The Order. Now, lets just replace “it” with “The Order” through the whole riddle.

“royal blood of long past, do your best to make The Order last”
“fire furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit The Order’s will,”
“the sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for The Order’s fall.”

Now, you could replace “it” with literally everything. But the order in this context is honestly rlly interesting.
This is the part where i lost inspiration. but I’m also kinda tired. so, cya!


Given the events of AO, we are probably inheriting the will of the gods

it’s instructions to make a whopper

The dove represents using all of your ingredients you prepared from the previous riddle, each one contributing:

golden ichor: condiments and sauces
fire the furnace: grilling the meat
the sword of time: the knife that chops the tomatoes and lettuce and onions
those who sow the wind: the process of creating the burger

sow the wind is like a transitional step into this riddle.

The eagle represents eat the burger when you are ready

Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 6.02.30 PM
poseidon’s gift of awakening

take this in a bad sense maybe.
“awaken the order, even if you have to deal with it after you delete them”

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war in the war seas will eventually destroy everyone

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still have no idea