You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

last one could be something in the nimbus sea

make the burger and the result is yummy burger

that could be sm to do with like choices like sparing elius

The sword of time is Sond

It isn’t

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The Time Curse was decanonized


Why am I rereading this thread at 12am… ha…

Anyway, with the whole game out, it seems everyone still has no idea what this means.

One of the things I find interesting in-game that seems to directly connect with this riddle is the island that the player wakes up on.

We all know it’s called “Dawn Island”. And that island is perpetually under a thunder storm, no matter when in the story. And thats not just some random feature, Tucker can be found progressively rotting in the grave as you progress through story if youre so bold enough to dig it up. Yet the storm still exists throughout the story. Also note this place is ALWAYS the opening screen when you enter the game.

The background of the Eagle side could be referring to that very place we woke up… Dawn Island was revealed two months prior to when this was posted. Maybe that’s what we all should’ve looked into from the start.

But then… is the Eagle the AO Player? Or someone else?

Plot Twist: It aint the player, it was Tucker all along, /j

Nah, can’t be Tucker. We dont even know the guy BEFORE AO came out.

Star once talked about the Eagle being related to Mt Olympus or something. Which might throw the theory that the location on the Eagle side is the small island we woke up on (Unless… you know. That island WAS Olympus, if you consider that the mountain was wrecked and then the whole world flooded, turning it into some normal looking island. Might be unlikely though…)

Reread the doc and the maint hing that stood out to me was the beginning section that talks about appeasing the gods and being afraid of their wrath.

The reason is that everytime some huge natural disaster occurs without explanation in War Seas, ppl for some reason, keep thinking its the Gods being pissed at them. First, the fight with PK and Durza and then whatever happened with Akursius Keep. Of course, this again relies on what we know on the game, not before the game. The “Wrath of the Gods” wasnt in the lore doc when this riddle was released I think. The only way we could’ve connected it to that is the lightning… which can represent “judgement”.

The two events I mentioned above had Chaos get involved. Every time I search up Chaos in Greek Mythology online is a sun. Yeah, a sun. Kind of reminds me of how the Eagle side is supposed to eb a sunrise. But uh, I dont know why the sun is related to chaos, or where this image of a sun came from ot what it represents, so it might be a coincidence.

Oh yeah… Chaos also had black and teal light… lightning is teal/blue… hmm…

I would imagine Mt Olympus is probbably surrounded by Chaos. That war sounded pretty bad and lasted for 100 years. There’s absolutely no way that Chaos did not invade what was left of Olympus afterwards.

The last possible idea with the Eagle is that its both the player AND Mt Olympus-related. Since MC is found to be a descendant to the Gods. But the only way we could realize this is if the other clue really was supposed to be hinting at the player being related to a God. But I think it might be referring to Aurem rather than MC’s god blood.

Just some ideas, but I might be far from it still. And I think Tech gave up on us riddlers at this point lol.

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Lets put our heads together again, we can actually solve the riddle

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we’re certainly killing calvus so others can contribute their best… Right?

Could it be… could I really continue on with my riddling days?!?

Bruh, so it couldn’t be solved before?

I guess now we have the information needed to actually solve it, before we relied on a lot of theorizing

good thing i just replayed the whole game… skipping all the diologue

just gonna throw out ideas. the part about thunder falling could just be the order’s plans falling apart from the MC, as well as during the wind-row diologue where the MC said they were doing what felt right.

my idea is that the riddle is the choices the MC is making to try to construct a safe place for everyone

contributing how you can is neviro trying to not have ravenna destroy itself and the entire second riddle is the order falling apart from the MC

Wait… huh. So we’re actually supposed to solve this only after the story, unlike what I thought earlier… Dang it Tech, giving us a partially unsolvable riddle 2 years before the game is released where we can actually fully solve the thing-

Well, tbh, when I rechecked the riddle back then, the quote immediately reminded me of the Order of Aesir. “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt”, but I shrugged off the idea, thinking “How tf are we supposed to solve that back then though??”, until I learned that was the point :joy:

What’s interesting is a certain point made by King Calvus…

“The War Seas need the Order of Aesir to function correctly.”

The Order of Aesir is actually what’s keeping the War Seas together… Im guessing 500 years ago was when the Kingdoms were at constant wars with one another due to Sea Curses. (So when we’re done with the Order and main story, thats where PK comes in)

The dove actively allows everyone to contribute the best they can for peace… for the eagle, they hide in the shadows and strike when they move. The Order of Aesir is a powerful group that hides behind the shadows in the War Seas, but it is also because of them that there’s some stability in the War Seas. So there’s that connection with the two sides…

EDIT: Oh yeah, I may have found something for the first riddle too, in regards to the final line… but Ill probs post it in the other riddle post later. :eyes:

Wait, hold on, are we sure that Tech was referring to this riddle?

Cause not long after saying this, Tech proceeds to show this instead…

He might be referring to the second line? Or maybe that this is actually the second riddle since if I were to recall, Tech did do a very vague riddle before this one, though that mightve been more WoM related, idk. Im just saying… he might be referring to a different riddle from the dove/eagle one