You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

as for titans, yeah
cronus was the youngest of the titans, so everyone else there would be older

but other beings can also be imprisoned there so, no.

It’s all very blurry. The Order has not told us anything sensible yet. Just gave us a little hints.
And don’t forget that I am just making assumptions.

Thats sad…

wouldn’t it be funny if the order wasn’t actually the ones that experimented on us?
they’d still be bad because they killed innocent people

Some sources say that Ouranos was sealed in Tartarus, some say that he actually was sickled into small pieces, others say nothing at all. Thats a problem.

Btw, what happened to Gaia? We can litteraly find her tears in The Dark Sea. :skull:

Side note, is my doc having +2.5k words uhhh… alright?

How soon do you plan to release it?

Soon? Depends if I dont procrastinate on it again. There might be things I need to work on irl too, so it might be later.

You know what? Ive been thinking.

Seeing you got a response with your theory, I started thinking of actually asking Tech about my thoughts too. Which is why I was very motivated on my doc.

But thinking about it rn, it basically already covers the same stuff your doc already had and so by extension, Tech’s answer is already an answer to my own theories too.

But I realized that Tech’s answer actually implies that theres MORE to what this riddle is trying to tell us. We basically got the fact that these represents two MCs’ futures, one is PK, other is AO MC. We got their motivations, what they symbolise. But theres MORE. We’re missing something still as he said we only still “close”.

Theres one last thing I have in my arsenal that I dont think was in that doc. But I realised it might very well be extremely important as it seems somewhat connected to the “destiny” theme of the riddle. I once mentioned it offhandly in this thread somewhere.

I only added it in the “extra notes” section of my doc because I was very skeptical of it being true and I couldnt expand on it more, so Im not sending the whole doc just for that tiny bit (maybe a later time lol)

It might be the missing piece, it might not be. I’ll need to ask him. I think its worth a shot.

Tomorrow. Cause its 1am rn lmao.

Same here, I kind of regret vacationing in Asia…

I just looked at the changes in the lore document and realized that they look similiar to what I described in one of my theories in my document.

I have developed this theory a bit more and now waiting for answer from Tech.

T-That was fast…

It wasnt even 1 min

Well, a theory of mine sort of got disproven, but not entirely. Because its not literal.

Idk what it means.
I haven’t read Mortal’s doc yet
But I know
This is the southern

So, what I asked is if if the fact that the background is facing toward south is important, (since the sun sets in the south in the Seven Seas, and Tech has confirms that the dove background is supposed to be the Seven Seas)

Tech has said yes, but its supposed to be metaphorical. And yeah, he also added this:

So with that last part, it is indeed related to the “destiny” theme going on.

I also only asked about the Dove section in case he refuses to answer anything related to the Eagle. The Dove is only relevant anyway, its enough to at least figure out the other side. Because in the War Seas, the sun would be rising in the south.

This means that both birds, despite being opposites are heading in the same direction.

I did a quick search, and what I got is that South is often associated with the element of fire, heat, summer and illumination. The spark of life. Its like the most common association it has.

Ill probs add more later, but yeah

Hades and. the absorption curse were both ‘far south’

So is the Aberration

Yeah, I made a comment on that long ago. But Tech said it wasnt literal, so it might not be referring to how PK goes to the Far South at all (that was my impression actually, thats why I asked Tech about the South)

the MC literally goes south throughout their entire journey through the war seas, at least if you follow the story line

This is good but it only applies to half the earth. In the southern hemisphere its completely different.
What I thought is that it could be like
Something went south, as in it went badly.

Oh? :eyes:

Perhaps, but to Tech, its related to actual symbolism, mythology and religion, not some expression of speech. South doesnt have to be immediately negative. People assumed that about the Eagle, but that isnt the case. We shouldnt take something at face value