You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

Some people actually play this game for lore like this, including myself. If you’re just interested in gameplay, then you can mute the thread, but the rest of us are trying to interact with the game and community in the ways we enjoy

(sorry for getting defensive, I just really like reading through this thread)

Then solve the riddle coward

It’s fine loving lore for this game I do too but this riddle has been going on since JANUARY 2021

I’m tired of it existing

I’ve grown to hate the title, the image, THE SOLUTION THAT’S NOT A SOLUTION

I’d like to see this come back when we have the Vimir sea, maybe end of Nimbus, then we have an actual CHANCE of solving it, with what we have right now it’s just yap after yap I’m convinced this is the longest going topic on the forums to date

At least give us a new riddle🦂

Keraxe does have lightning curse, doubt that has anything to do with the riddle though as the riddle was solvable before we knew about him as someone said here

Optical take #2:


After spending more than 10 seconds looking at it, it seems more obvious to me now that
1: dove is peacekeeper and their goal
2: falcon is player (lightning magic)

first picture has a sunset and second picture is nighttime so that means the second part is after the first one chronologically


Okay, its been a while since my last confirmed progress on this riddle. Today I received another one.
You may wonder why I am not putting all message? Because hell, what I just learned is crasy. I am scared to share it because its could have so much impact on AU’s lore. I got hella tons of answers which is something new.

The only thing I could say: All previous theories including mine ones are litteraly a waterdrops of light in an ocean of mystery. The thing these riddles lead to is so damn grand that I couldn’t even imagine it before today.

I think its will take multiple years for me to solve it, if it goes the same way like now.

DM the messages, I won’t share

No way, I just don’t want to ruin immersion of the game’s lore for anyone.

I don’t care about immersion I NEED LORE!!,

Nah don’t worry, I don’t care about that.

drop this shit on me I need to know, immersion is second to the pursuit of the knowledge lorehunters seek

I’m interested. I’ve got my own theories which uh
tech didn’t respond to :sob:

So I assume that I’ve either got stuff right, got stuff really wrong, or he missed it…
Can’t wait to see how this plays out. Good on you for not sharing. Secrets must when secrets must.

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Sorry guys, but only through my corpse. I am usually not hyping so much for something, but today’s answers really got me.

I don’t want to leak those answers cuz in my opinion it is worse than leaking whole patreon + game’s testing place and everything else combined.

@PinkButterflyGaming Thank you for showing me this riddle here. It is actually very important now, but I have no idea how to decipher it.

I would have really liked to see this (especially since spoilers don’t prevent me from eenjoying something) but fine, as you wish, we can’t force you to post message you don’t want to post

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charge a 100k galleon fee for the info

Btw, don’t expect too much… what I learned is actually makes it waaay more difficult to solve.

From now my attempts to solve it will look like trying to open bike’s padlock without numbers combination.

Tension on the shackle, listen and feel for when each wheel clicks more firmly into place.

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Mortal after seeing Tech’s message:
“I have seen things you wouldn’t believe, lived things you would not understand. Secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken!”

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