You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

I think that means the riddle was unsolvable from the beginning, since it seems we would need new story to know the solution, I forgot if tech saying “it’s solvable at this point of the story” applies to this riddle or not so my info wouldn’t be very helpful

Cannot you all see?
The Thunderbolts, the Eagles, the mention of ancestry in part 1, it’s all just about how the Player is Zeus’s kid.

If the eagle means that we’re zeus’s kid, then by logical conclusion, the dove means we’re also Aphrodite’s kid too

Well, somebody had to be the mother.

my theory is the player is a legacy of every olympian and that’s why he has what poseidon calls ‘the strongest will of all legacies’

Will has nothing to do with how many gods you ar descend from. 50% Zeus 50% hades is just as strong as 100% zeus

im just saying, thats my headcanon rn as to why the player is so special

pretty sure the left side is about the peacekeeper considering the quote is about peace, doves are symbolic for peace/freedom, and an olive branch is about peace as well

:pray: please tell us (or just me)
i said please so no isnt an option in the dialogue now

Zeus got the Peacekeeper gregnant?! :pregnant_man:

we’re gonna have grabies


“Not bad, not as close as others, but potential.”
— Tech to a few of my ideas.
I’ll send what I sent just in case anyone else is missing something

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Could just be MC having a really tough mental foritude compared to all the other legacies. Remember, dude literally survived human experimentation, and went through far more of them than Morden.

They were not alone, all the other people in that place were all legacies too, but only MC, Morden and Tucker had the courage to try to escape. They were the only ones not resigned to their fate and actually fought back, which puts this trio above all the others in terms of mental fortitude.

And MC is the only one of the group who endured the most AND survived. Tucker may have the same experiences as MC but he never made it. Morden survived but he didnt have it worse as MC back then.

The “Strongest willed of all legacies” might not be an exaggeration for the MC.


Ooohhh… Now thats interesting, I got a feeling thats the case after what Tech said on your previous messages. Thats why I didnt continue on the doc, because I knew that if even all of that was just “close” then theres something big that Im missing.

All of them are leading to something, so I guess they have similar answers to one another, or the answer of one leads to the other?

Well, it might be best to focus more on the second one before this one, since we know its solveable. And it might help with the first riddle since the second is a more dumbed down version.

If my sources don’t scam me. Then I guess it has something to do with gods and higher forces being able to control human’s mind, like it was done with Durza and Torren (?) (far before he took curse and lost his mind again), thats may mean that we could meet a potential foe that capable of doing this. And thats could be why Poseidon gave so much attention to “will” as a parameter of strength, if he knew everything from the start.

But all of this is not really related to riddle tho.


seeing as mortal wont tell us the exact truth and we’re force to extrapolate from the mere scraps of what he aint gatekeeping from us, lets get a general grasp on what it is

~He possibly now has the vaguest grasp of what the “ancient threat” or whatever vetex/tech calls it
~He likely now knows the goal of the Order by extension
~I doubt Tech would give out details on specific things, so an overarching plot/something generally VERY important
~It is so lore shaking it could’ve been the real reason Acheron missed Theos is conflict, or hell even the War of the Gods itself.
~This some real shit now…

~while it might not be related to the riddle, could the ancient threat be essentially behind the war part of the war seas? vetex said we’ll see it in this sea and we’re about to get thrown into a war. What if our party is essentially frenzied and caused to run into a battle by the ancient mf but we managed to resist it because of our Will.

I dont think thats it. It could be making it worse, but not the main reason. Its hinted the AS is kinda causing the “war” in the War Seas. Thats why we ran into the Corsair Pirates when entering the Nimbus Sea. They were trying to cause more conflict to start a war and they were hired to by the AS.

Some people on discord were so intrigued, that they dmed Tech just to learn what did he say to me.

All three riddles have different solutions, but can be puzzled into story. And I am already having some thoughts on it, but kinda hazy rn.

No, no and no. These riddles have nothing to do with details of AO’s lore, only a superficial narrative. So I guess they can be solved without spoilering storyline.

Riddles are also a bit outdated due to many things being retconned since their release.