You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

shucks, time to get back to guessing, thats good to know though

last time I asked bro smth I got left on read :sob:

Wait, I cant believe I forgot this.

I once theorized it could be something to do with the “Abherration”. Rill Hendrix is in the Bronze Sea, the Abherration in the far south. And even just by sensing it, Rill Hendrix feels affected by it. So it seems it affects people mentally, requiring a stronger will to resist succumbing to the Abherration.

I was writing lore/backstory for my OC, a lot of them are kinda like predictions for AO MC’s lore.

One part of it, I kinda played with the idea of it having to do with MC’s past. In my OC’s lore, the Abherration is where the ancient evil is sealed, and that her family was guarding that place for a long time. It indirectly led to her and maybe the rest of her family having stronger wills compared to others since theyre around the place for generations.

@Mortal doubt you’re missing anything from this but here you go

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Uh, I usually work with something 1, not combinning all together without knowing their solutions. And I think its won’t uncover AO’s spoilers when solved, so thing about tartarus may be right, but not for the riddles (I think).

I think that you are moving good in 2nd riddle tho. (The one with proverbs)
Plus, you are doing good at comparing AO’s MC with Peacekeeper, but it is unclear if you are right or not. I was moving in the same direction. (But in 3rd riddle)

First riddle is the hardest one, since it contains information that could be 5+ years old and I wasn’t playing at that time. And there is not much info saved.

alright, thanks for your feedback

Ah, you too

Do we know anything about Torren, that is not mentioned on AR’s wiki? Or about 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th unknowns, expect the fact that they are forces similar to Chaos and Creation?

Torren isnt canon, so it might not matter anymore.

The titles “Kingslayer” and stuff like that from Ghost dialogues were referring to something else (they got carried over to something else in the lore it seems)

Don’t worry, this is not a problem anymore.

That was part of Tech’s message, right? Though the response is just vague enough that we don’t know what you’re saying

Today’s progress brought almost no results, cuz all riddles point out on different timelines instead of creating a complete story. Besides, they even tell about different characters.

Yo yo yo, you gave me a great idea. I had a thought regarding something, but 2nd riddle was ruinning it, until I realised that I can combine first and second riddle to get better phrases.

They definitely seem quite different but similar at the same time.

The “whoever solves this riddle will get 100k galleons” guy should just post this because they are always solved on the first post.

This is joever guys. I have no ideas left and in all this brainstorming rush I literaly lost what I started from, now just circling in a storm of theories without knowing which are close and which are useless.
And I failed even despite all hints that Tech gave to me.

I will try to atleast secure what I had from the start to not lose all progress. Not even talking about advancing further for now. Maybe I will continue making theory documents, but great theories are already told and new ones don’t come in my head for now. :pensive:

Just post every possible string of text until you get the riddle right

It’s pretty much seeming to just be about Zeus dad, and the duality of your choices.
If you don’t call that solving it, what will you take?

maybe the real solution were the theories we made along the way…

Ok if you’re so confident dm tech and ask.

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