You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

7 to 3 is more important for now.

perhaps the split of gods that supported giving magic vs those against?

Cannot be checked.


am i cooking chat

Did you just repeat the same thing I said, but replaced one god for no reason and then asked if you are cooking? Even despite Tech already declined this version.

prometheus wasnt left tho :sob:
apollo was alive after him and prometheus died in the war… but lets not derail allat

silence doesn’t mean exactly declining… :person_shrugging:

idk man i might be cooking

When I am wrong, Tech doesn’t says anything. When I am right or atleast close, Tech comments that.

Prometheus died right in the end of the War of Olympus. He thought that they already won, when other side of the gods was defeated, but Arthur came there with his army and you know what happened later.

Under that I mean, that War of Olympus ended with Prometheus’s win, but then Arthur came and killed remainning winners. Expect Hades and Poseidon, it is not known how Hades survived, but Poseidon took Arthur’s side.

No idea, why you think that apollo is alive, I don’t remember him being mentioned anywhere. Bring me proofs.


this is from the official AA trello btw

if prometheus died in the war it means he didnt win

can we NOT argue and derail the topic btw??

also i cant mindread that buddy

Why do you think that Apollo from this list is a god and not just random shatter magic master, who was called Apollo? It seems like this name was popular, since you can choose it in AO.

Like look at the Poseidon’s description on this list and Apollo’s one.

We are not arguing, we are discussing possible solutions.

why do you think that it isnt the god apollo

i could literally say the same about your defense ??

this is like saying that if we could choose the name theos he wouldnt be some kind of legend

yeah. it says ‘‘original god that lived on mount olympus and created his own type of magic’’
also i dont see why it wouldnt be apollo either way.
even arsen, the guy who is incredibly strong, has only a few words to describe him in the image.

apollo was not as important to the lore as poseidon and cursebeard were, just like arsen and the rest of the commanders, that is why he doesnt have as much info, probably.

we are like actively going from ‘‘we’re gonna solve a riddle’’ to ‘‘gtrhaahhaha but im right cause i have proof!!!’’

we are basically derailing this into the battle of olympus and if apollo survived it

Don’t suggest possible solutions, if you can’t back them up with an iron facts/proofs. That’s all.

i did back them up
you are using shitty hypotheticals to try and disprove them and failing tho (which i am also using shitty hypotheticals to disprove your shitty hypotheticals) :sob:??

even then why cant it NOT be the god apollo

only for YOUR character btw
not npcs

i will only agree with npcs having accurate names to the world, because the MC does not have a canon name.
we do not have a regular npc called Zeus, or Poseidon, or Apollo, Artemis.

while yes your character can be named apollo, this could mean absolutely nothing and it was possibly only added for a reference to greek mythology and the lore of AO.

The fact that this guy was called Apollo, doesn’t means that he exactly that one god. If you want to prove something to me, then just go find a screenshot where it is stated that Apollo from Cursebeard’s army was exactly a god Apollo and not some random with his name. Maybe I would believe that, if not the descriptions differences between Poseidon and Apollo.

Ask Tech or something.

i dont have discord

  1. it is literally the only mention we have of apollo OUTSIDE of the NON-CANON webcomic

no, not even in the full arcane lore.

why the fuck would Apollo use shatter magic and why would he be described as a “master” of it only. Poseidon is literally described as a God and is explicitly stated to be him.

This means nothing.

@FlorenceIsHavoc Where did this “Apollo” gone, when Arthur was on a war with Durza? Only Poseidon was mentioned.

apollo is not as important to the lore as poseidon is as he only has one mention of his name and it is literally in the trello.

i would not know why vetex chose to give apollo shatter magic because im not the one that CREATED the trello

one thing i can say tho is that apollos ranking is very high, which can lead me to believe that he is infact the god.

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he wasn’t even mentioned in the full arcane lore
not once
only this time in the trello and it is possibly because he has no connection to any of the mcs, only being well, a captain of the division 2 of the one shot pirates.

even then i am pretty sure no other commander was mentioned once in durza vs cursebeard apart from you know, POSEIDON