You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

then this incarnation of “Apollo” has been retconned by now.

which is why it makes no fucking sense for him to be the same Apollo.

or he just joined before arsen.

Because Poseidon was close friends with Arthur and he was a god. Strong enough to create a nuisance for Arthur to fight his undead version.

I highly doubt anything on the AA trello that isn’t on the lore doc or explicitly mentioned by tech/vet is canon

@FlorenceIsHavoc You didn’t want to argue, but now you are arguing with two people at once, who bring different reasons why this “Apollo” most likely is not a god. And your arguement against all of this is “Because he is named Apollo and managed to get into high ranks”.

You either need to contact Tech to confirm it, since you have no other proofs. Or just leave it unconfirmed and stop arguing.

even if we were back in the AA days and this “Apollo” was still canon I’d still say that vetex would just give him sun magic or something. If anything Poseidon would get shatter magic since it’s closer to his shit than Apollo.

how are the rankings based off of when they joined tho
this was not mentioned ONCE

this again ties into me saying that apollo was not as important as poseidon in the lore

there was no reason for poseidon to have magic too, unless you count it as him being an advocate for it?? but i could say the same for apollo then

that has not been mentioned once whatsoever, and if it was retconned, then i still am not at fault for bringing it because i am not a mindreader

because many greeks bore names DERIVED from the name of gods, but not directly their names.

yes because if we look at it

apollo is a god, which means he’s powerful, so him being a high rank must mean SOMETHING.

i literally told you i have no way to contact tech, if anything, YOU can contact him and ask him about it. I’m not even the one that started this arguement.

again, i would not know about this because i am not a mindreader.

what even is poseidons magic then tho

is it water-based or earthquake-based or something?? because i have not seen one mention of what his magic is anyways
vetex knows if his ties in with his speciality

You cannot really prove anything due to lack of proofs, nor I do. I am not gonna waste my time on that anymore. If you will find more proofs, I will be glad to hear them and maybe change my mind, but until then - farewell.

im not even gonna try to continue because theres only one mention of him
if you CAN contact tech and try to clear up if apollo was alive after the war on olypmus, that’d be great. farewell

-Poseidon is no. 1, oldest
-first 10 were there before the next 10
-shatter magic master + being old and bitter makes me think he’s older than arsen

all gods can use magic energy

you brought up an ancient fucking trello, I get not everyone is deeply versed in the lore but come on, the trello is nearly a decade old at this point, of course it’s retconned.

-brings up lore older than some people who have played AO
-“no way it’s retconned???”

he has the tide (water) curse iirc, and he’s the god of the oceans anyway so he would still be able to manipulate water anyways

anyways that’s all from me, if I come off a bit hostile that’s because it’s about 5 am where I live and I have gotten not one wink of sleep.

Apollo was a human who just so happened to have the same name as a god… (He wouldve died to old age at some point according to Vetex)

Hmm… Im not sure abt this. We might wanna exclude Prometheus to be sure :thinking:

Hmm, that first line connects to the first line of the second riddle, and its kinda confirmed that first line of the second riddle is about the legacies of the gods, you might be closer :thinking:

when was this :sob:

i swear i have not seen apollo mentioned in any of vetexs messages. in that case i was wrong, apologies :+1:

Tech said that comparing those lines makes sense only when both riddles are already done.

I mean, it is still possible to solve it this way, but thats will be hella hard.

Tbh, I cant find it either rn, but Im 99% sure this is the case. Plus, Vetex mentions Apollo in a list of what happened to people by WoM, and Apollo is listed to have died of old age. (You can search this one up here in the forums)

Ooh, I see

Btw, golden ichor is confirmed to be not exactly AO’s MC (but something more simplier), even despite second riddle re-telling AO’s storyline.

And I have no actual idea how to bind gods with line 7 to 3.

Imagine using the AA trello as a source when big things in the lore are changing every two weeks

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What’s the image of the 7-3? I think I have an idea (probably not the answer but I dunno)

Scroll up a bit, I believe it was already posted here.

aforementioned forum thingy

very outdated trello thingy