You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

Oh I see why you referenced that now :sob::sob:

I’ll check this out when I’m more awake

I wonder why tech an emphasis on the “If” part of those statements

are we torren

Greek gods are immortal, so they can’t die of old age

For now I don’t have many ideas but you can probably remove everything related to Zeus, since he died

I cannot do that, since my document presents 3 different alternative universes or if talking more simplier 3 different branches of events that I found pretty logical to happen. But only one of them is true and I don’t know which one.

I cannot see the edge between old Torren and new one, cuz it is not clear if Torren from this story is a darkflame curse user or no. On the one hand, if he was a curse user, he would completely lose his mind and be not able to recover. On the other hand, if he wasn’t a curse user and was just in a depression after destroying his homeland, then I don’t really see Freedrock’s motivation and desire.

Quick initial idea I’ll write something proper in a bit

  • There is definitely a new ‘Torren’ whether or not he holds the titles.
  • The emphasis on If might mean that something with 7 and 11 won’t happen. Not sure what though.

yeah that was kind of my fault

i entirely forgot that apollo was mentioned TWICE and it was in the trello and that message

i took the trellos mention at face value :sob:

@Randomness @PinkButterflyGaming

Alrighty here we go
For this I will be using Theogony as a reference due to Greek Mythology being such a vast topic and the need for consistency. Theogony - Wikipedia

Due to this I will bring up one point quickly which is that Tech never refers to the numbers by the names Mortal refers them to. I will be referring to the numbers rather than names, but I will suggest what names could fit for what numbers.

As I’ve said, Greek Mythology is vast and inconsistent so different sources could suggest different names for different numbers, hence why using the numbers is helpful.

I believe that this riddle refers to one of four groups:
1: The First Gods

2: The Titans

3: The Olympian Gods
and personally I think the most likely is
4: The new concept for “Unknowns”

I think 4 is the most likely as Tech has almost confirmed the existence of a new “Torren”. Still I don’t know whether this new “Torren” will be anything like the one we know.

7 and 11 will interact somehow but I don’t think Freedrock is 11 as Tech did say the end of the solution “Trailed off”. 3 could be Tartarus but I concluded that from Theogony whilst forgetting that Creation is a being.
Although there are definitely parallels between Creation and Gaea, if Chaos is 1 and Creation is 2, I think that Gaea would be 3 and Tartarus would instead be 4. However I could be mixing up Group 1 and Group 4 too much in this case, as if Torren is involved then Tartarus could still be 3.

The one issue with the thought that 11 isn’t Freedrock is that Tech implies that there was something forcing 11 to change what happened with 7.

Perhaps, and I don’t want to involve Riddle 2 that much here, 11 is standing still waiting for the Sword of Time to fall before either they are allowed to or forced to act,

Although (and yes I will have another Although) perhaps 11 isn’t able to help.
What if the Sword of Time falling will be driven by 7 returning home. What if 11 can’t act until that happens?

Could you send that theory to Tech yourself, then tell what was his answer? Because I have many theories laying there unchecked, so I don’t want to dump personal chat with all people’s theories.

I may need more time to process this info for now (my mind stops processing at a point when I see too many messages oof :sweat_smile:)

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guys can I get a recap on what’s going on im seeing a lot of words that I kinda understand but not really

We found the beginning of the story that those riddles open. Thats probably the only thing I can tell for sure, everything else is hazy and unconfirmed.

Can do

New info. Freedrock is 11 completely confirmed now.

maybe the ancient threat is typhon, the monster that tried to fight the greek gods and lost

Thats one of the theories I had too.

…But Typhon is younger than Kronos. (Acient threat is confirmed to be older)