You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

So I think that this is what the riddle is saying (or close to it, not exact). Ill ask this later to Tech too (after he responds to the first messages tho).

  • 7-3. 7 becomes 3, the person who is “sealed” is no longer a human and becomes a monster. In the riddle image, 7-3 is sideways, 7 is down, 3 is up. That means 7 “ascended” to 3. There are cases we know of in greek mythology where a demigod becomed a “god”

  • 1 & 2, Creation and Chaos, straight to the point. But they created the Gods together, to watch over the Earth. Why did they feel the need to create the Gods to watch over the planet?
    Unless… “7” is a threat to the planet? I mean, if they became “3”, thats pretty dangerous in itself. But I could be wrong, thats because of the later half.

  • 11 is standing still. Freedrock is still alive, obviously. Waiting to be “freed” by 7…

  • 7 is coming home. Straight to the point, 7 is going to return. Once they do, 11 is “free”. 11 is just waiting for that day…


3 rhymes with free
7 becomes free

These 3 are right and confirmed.

It is unclear what exactly “free” means. We surely know that Freedrock worked for god’s in the past, maybe after gods died out Freedrock’s new goal is to defend the planet from Torren, because nobody else can?

Despite being the weakest unknown, Freedrock is the only one who can fight Torren, because he is the only being that cannot be killed by Torren on the spot, due to the Lazarus’s curse.

Seven Free…

Well, since most powerful magic users died when Durzacheron went kaboom in the Seven Seas, that makes sense

1-6 places were not humans, Durza won’t do a shit to them.

So Torren became even more stupidely strong, or something happened to the 3-6 unknowns

Tech already gave you an answer:
“Freeing without saving is most likely death. Maybe Torren fought Freedrock and this time the Lazarus Curse didnt work?”
Tech would tell you that this is the closest youve been to the answer.

Look at the song again
“Waiting for me to free him, by coming home”
This isnt in the perspective of 11, but by 7.
7 will free 11, not the other way around.

He’ll be free through death.

In fact, its a big part of Freedrock’s lore, the more recent version I mean.

I dont remember where Ive read it, but I read a more recent version of Freedrock’s lore. A man who was given the Lazarus Curse before the era of magic, a man who wanted to die but couldnt because of his luck. (Dude keeps resurrecting no matter the low chances)

Im certain, Freedrock is waiting. Waiting for him to be freed of that curse.

He is standing still for a reason. I think that he has a goal upon reaching which he will either die or give away his curse to Peacekeeper or AO’s MC (through devourer).

(I doubt that Freedrock wants only his own death, despite being responsible for creation of the strongest monster in the universe. I am sure that he wants to fix his mistake before passing away)

I have made another theory regarding this, but I think Tech will come only in the evening, so its will take some hours.

Maybe… there was no other choice…

I am confused what yall are yapping about, didn’t vetex say torren and the eleven unknowns were no longer canon?

If he is not seeking for anything expect his own death, then he is a complete bastard and egoist. He is responsible for Torren’s power growth in one way or another.

Uh, how?

currently in despair because of this

Torren becomes stronger in fight. Freedrock litteraly died half of the thousand times to him. It seems like even inside the seal Torren still was getting stronger, since he somehow reached 3rd place.

I don’t really want to argue about all of this, since we have nothing than just opinions. If Tech will say that I am incorrect, I will just edit document a bit and remove part about goal and put instead his desire for death. But honestly, I feel like this is the worsest plot possible, because there are many things that Freedrock could have done to die: From learning about devourers to surrending to Durza.

Hmm… if you meant that in those countless fights, Freedrock wanted death, it might not be the case at the time. But maybe Freedrock knew its his destiny to die to “Torren”, as Greek myths involves prophecies a lot.

Tbh, I feel like Im missing a lot of context with what you’re saying abt Torren and Freedrock tho.

But can’t he just throw himself in the ocean to die? Or that only works with elemental curses?

Yeah, I think it works only with elemental curses.

idk torren’s concepts are seemingly going to be reused but the unknowns are definitely gone from lore. but if I remember correctly the riddle everybody’s talking about rn was created before their full decanonization so the ideas still apply?