You all asked for you go, Arcane Odyssey Riddle pt. 2

It’s times like these that make me wish there was a confused reaction emoji

Also when did tech say the stuff in the messages above

yeah trying to work through Arcane lore is like trying to piece together the lore of ancient cultures that has been lost to time

but I’m pretty sure all the messages tech has sent in those screenshots above are current lol

I fully approve this statement.

First paragraph is the most accurate description of the Arcane Lore

whos torren again

one of techs retconnedish ocs who had the darkflame curse (which also got retconned)

Nobody, but also the strongest guy out there

3 Lines are correct, 4th one is now closer, not fully wrong.

I know I really don’t talk in this thread, but seeing the “say it out loud” thing made me start thinking about something. This is a riddle, and riddles usually have lots of wordplay. But this riddle, at first look, seems to only have numbers. I’ve been thinking, though: what if there is wordplay?

7-3 → seven to three, seven through three, seven dash three, seven minus three

Seven to three → seven goes up the list to three (what we’ve been thinking), or seven physically goes to three
Seven through three → seven physically passes through three, or seven “threw” three (as in overthrew?)
Seven dash three and seven minus three → I have no idea

If this is incoherent rambling, I apologize, it really made sense in my head

This is coherent but only the first part

Ok, I’ve had some rest and food and my brain is actually functioning properly, so lemme try to explain better (watch me just make it worse)

7-3 in words could be “seven to three”, “seven through three”, “seven dash three”, or “seven minus three”

While I can’t figure out the last two, the first two of those have some interesting possible double meanings:

We’ve been interpreting “seven to three” as seven went up on the list and took spot three, but it could also mean seven physically going to three, if three happens to be a place. Three being both a place and a being is relatively likely, since anyone/thing that high on the list is probably a primordial, and lots of those are places too.

“Seven through three” could just mean the numbers, but it also has one other possible meaning, if we’re going with the whole “three could also be a place” thing: seven (a being) could be passing through three (a place that is also a being?). “Seven through three” could also be a play on words using through/threw, so it could be saying something like “seven overthrew three”.

Also, while I was typing this up, I realized another possible meaning for “seven to three” could be “seven two three” (using a play on words with to/two), 723. No idea if that number means anything, and probably not, but just an idea

maybe 3 is tartarus and torren was sent there cause he was a real bastard image

“How do you pronounce the dash” is what I’ve been given.

We already have it confirmed. Torren really went from 7th place to 3rd in the list of unknowns.

Atleast Tech says that first 3 lines I guessed correct. It is also means that Chaos & Creation in the second line are going to be important in this story (but their overall influence here is still unclear).

either 7 free or 73

or 70 free

Pov: You are saying people that you have already found a solution for this line and it was confirmed.
People: Nah.

Still waitting for the confirmation regarding last line.

Literally the last 10 messages

What I don’t really get is why Tech is reiterating the first line unless there’s something important there.

Also, did Torren actually move from the 7th Unknown to the 3rd unknown or does it mean that the old Torren was 7th but the new Torren is 3rd? And why does it mention 7 coming home if Torren is no longer 7?