You can remove one Magic, Fighting Style, or Weapon from the game. What is it?

I’d argue cannon fist is okay. It gives fighting style users an option for poking at a range when they can’t get in range, so it’s fine, and it still makes sense as strength because you’re carrying and throwing very heavy cannonballs

Boxing doesn’t work because it still needs to get in range and having a gimmick that makes it so people are knocked back from you further is not good for it

what about sand and earth

Couldn’t you just use shot or axe slash if you’re a berserker. Also when I use boxing I typically go for a hit and run tactic and slowly chip away at my opponent so the knock back doesn’t really bother me.

Magic: Metal. Just combine earth and metal magic for true earth magic.

Fighting Style: thermo, literally everyone uses it.

Weapon: all katanas in the game including kai’s sabre.

For the Magic, probably Poison. Serves no purpose, isn’t fun to use, has ugly effects and terrible colors, and is never really gunna be in a good spot balance-wise because of how gimmicky it is.

For the FS, definitely Sailor’s. Least interesting Fighting Style in the roster, with a gimmick that doesn’t really even work without a band-aid source of gain (Fighting Styles don’t work at all in water outside of Shockwave, making seawater bottles more efficient than taking a dive in every single imaginable situation).

M - Glass

literally such a weird choice for a magic and honestly isn’t that impressive stat wise and ability wise.

FS - Boxing

yeah boxing is a complete joke and even though it’s fast and has a blocking power boost everything else is abysmal and the damage loss imo is not worth it, also the knockback is extremely underwhelming and even if it wasn’t it’s still very gimmicky.

W - single revolver

Come on.

Name 1 person who unironically uses this in their weapon loadout.

I’m waiting.

This has truly been an L take

If it had a bit more flavor, sand could deserve to exist, but right now, you’re right, it’s basically just earth.

i think sand and snow are enough of a distinction to have their own magics

also if snow dies i’d have to be an ice water wind mage which feels kinda weird

sand should definitely exist what are you cooking

why are there people saying cool magics like poison/sand should be removed wtf :sob:

Shot’s distance is pretty limited still and I’m not sure about axe slash, but cannon fist works still because the m1s are pretty fast still and can allow for further poking

Also boxing really doesn’t help with the knockback still even if used for hit and run, fighting styles are very good when getting in because they can combo off other attacks, having a fighting style focused around knocking people away. Cannon fist is okay because it covers a weakness of range, boxing gives you a new weakness

I’m sorry man but I just hate Poison. The clouds aren’t practical, and I don’t understand the power fantasy at all. You hit like a mosquito with average stats and the whole gimmick is waiting for your damage to trickle in. :zzz:

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I think you’re just annoyed with the lag :smirk:

fuck thermo, remove it, get original, u 90% of berserker are more basic than the popular girl at my highschool thinking boys are simping for her when in reality she sleeps with everyone, fuck u too u little piece of sh-

halberd and lance


Yall hate anything thats popular :sob:

I’m just saying cannon fist doesn’t fit in with the others. Fighting styles are meant to be bad at long range. That’s why their only accessible ranged attack is limited.
Also I realized something about knock back. All fighting styles have knock back since moves like crash and rushdown have toggleable knock back. So if they all have knock back why do people complain so much about boxing’s knockback. It’s not even THAT much knock back since I can still combo reasonably well if I need to cause of its speed.

Magic: Crystal (I hate large aoes in general)
FS: Thermo (way too op and meta (especially warlord))
W: Greatswords (I hate tempest having no endlag)

I do