A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers

A proposal for reworking the most tedious feature of AO: Modifiers
effort 4.371428571428571 35 quality 4.473684210526316 38 reasonability 4.347826086956522 46

He’s obviously not serious.

No that’s his actual argument

Lets say you have a 24% chance of getting a fodder modified item, 75% chance of getting no modified item, and a 1% chance of getting a good modified item. If the modifier chance went up by double you’d get twice as many good modified items (48% chance of fodder item, 2% chance of good item, 50% chance of unmodified item)

2% is still horrible rates :sob:

you’re trolling right

please tell me you are actually trolling

yea but the concept im describing is still the same either way

whats wrong with the suggestion




Unless there’s some unforeseen issue with the fodder-item vs good-item ratio i dont see a problem

this is our balancing team :sleeper:

“2%” was an example meant to show that buffing the rates wouldnt JUST increase the amount of bad modified items you get, itd also increase the amount of good ones

I aint readin all 300 posts to see if someone already said this, but just make it so you can get other modifiers in the dark C,
The dark sea has an insane (:wink:) amount of chests and loot, the issue is, unless its dark sea exclusive its all useless garbage
just make it so islands can give modifiers respective to their biome, like ice islands giving frozen, ect ect

also make the island called BLASTED rock give the BLASTED modifier

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ok let me backtrack a bit, we probably need to understand what’s considered a “good” modified item and a “bad” modified item, before we can understand if boosting the global drop rates would actually fix anything.

boosting the global drop rates would boost the rates of any modified item so naturally itd affect the probability of you getting a good modified item

to be honest does anyone even know what the current probabilities are for getting modified items? on top of the probability of a specific item in a lootpool?

idk if yall think we just balance pvp but thats not true, there’s no anti pve agenda within the balance team we actively try to look for things to suggest to make progression more fun

right, but it’d also affect getting the bad stuff, so it’s somewhat of a pointless boost.

I think we need to find items that are specifically considered viable and make those more common, or something along those lines.

50% for an item being modified, 1/however many armor pieces there are for specific items.

So 0.5/number of armor pieces total for the one you want.

See the issue?


yea, even if we made the drop rates more likely, that doesn’t really fix the core issue