A Replacement for Legendary Scales

A Replacement for Legendary Scales
effort 4.444444444444445 18 quality 4.368421052631579 19 reasonability 4.571428571428571 21

millions must have an excuse to not fish


Why do I genuinely feel like talking to a mod about permanently removing optical’s suggestor role just like his regular status :grin:


If no one got me i know TheoreticalExistence got me, can i get an Amen brothers?

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this will change with the addition of more lost spells/techniques and lost and ancient magics

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and the addition of new bosses, new sealed chests, new anything really lol

I feel like this is the solution you’re really looking for lol.
(I would not have written this if optical was the only issue)


A decent replacement to fishing for luck reagents. Since these new reagents will spawn randomly in the later areas of the dark sea, it will still be a bit annoying to grind.

Exploring the dark sea is still miles kilometers better than fishing for luck potions. It’s basically a massive time sink that lets you make something that saves you time elsewhere… doesn’t make sense really.


The dark sea (with future content, especially) is infinitely more engaging and fun than sitting around pressing M1 occasionally.

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Yes, please take more things away from fishing. Its not a ‘relaxing minigame’ nor is it very fun either. Being able to get luck potions at all from something not fishing based is nice, even if the reagent is rare.

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somehow I missed this lol.
If you’ve got any good ideas I will write it, I love the idea of not forcing players to fish for 20 billion years in a magical fighting and exploration game to make a handful of valuable potions.

So far the only thing i can sadly think of for sunken elements is like sunken structure grinding and maybe obtainable from atlantean ship chests sob

just find them lying around on the sea floor randomly in the dark sea


luck 2 reagents shouldn’t have been obtainable from fishing anyway


I think the best way to implement sunken elements into the dark sea would be with dark sea diving spots.

however an idea like that would need a whole lot more than one item to hold it together lol.

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yeah we can already find legendary fish scales from chests, and finding at the bottom of the sea or with a small chance when looking for treasure would be ok

this will kind of render legendary fish and alot of fishing useless, 10 golden fish scales just isn’t enough that’s just more luck 3, sorry, your idea may be good for luck VI and VII in case that gets added much later on however

i don’t think people realise this will just make getting luck even more rare

The entire point of this suggestion is to remove T2 luck reagents from fishing and put them somewhere where you actually play the game to get them.

I don’t and don’t want to understand why vetex is so insistent on locking so many rare and useful items behind cookie clicker.

I don’t think you realize that the only reason people put up with fishing right now is because luck 4 and 5 potions are self-replicating.
With the update, they’re not only getting wiped but also not going to be self-replicating anymore.