Airship suggestion revival post

it doesn’t matter :man_shrugging:t5:

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cmon we gotta continue this airship debate guys

so what are the pros and cons of adding airships to the game

Pros - making the came better and less boring the other reasons are common sense

Cons - lag

I’ll sum it up:

  • Travel times decrease
  • Way for a guild to gain reputation/waste their money
  • Possibly quite powerful
  • Encourages cooperative gameplay
  • Airship battles
  • They fly


  • Large and possibly easy targets.
  • Probably expensive
  • Lag
  • Does not suit the genre of the game, as they are commonly used in steampunk-influenced games which WoM is not

I never cap

expensive isn’t really a con it has to be expensive

imo we can deal with being easy targets and expenses

you forgot to add fun to the pros

Also you could make airships fit the game’s genre. Not all airships are steampunk, just most of them. They could also be obtained from a specific culture that it fits with, like the skylians.

something I’m curious about.

where would you spawn your airship and what’s stopping someone from just landing on top of other players to mess with them?

Airships could fit in the lore. For example, the Skylians wanted to soar in the skies once more and so thought of ways on how to do it with magic and eventually came up with the so called airship.

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flying ships did exist

A minimum elevation would prevent that. Perhaps you could spawn it at a port on top of a mountain or something.

wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of it being used for travel then if you could only spawn it at certain locations?

good idea but skylians present-day don’t remember sky island life

i was wondering the same thing lol, maybe you spawn it ontop of a mountain

vetex can add a height limit so you can’t go too low

horses would’ve had to be spawned at certain locations

Wait they didnt even bother leaving some sort of document that tells the history of their culture?

Good point actually. Maybe a rope that you could let yourself down by?