Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU


this is my Matthew, funny how both of our Matthew’s are so similar though

@Mirage i finally got around to rewriting the thingy for harvest island and not making it doodoo

Harvest Island

Status: Fortified

Current Interpretations: The hideout of notorious pirate queen Charlotte Stokes. Although her rival Arthur Galleon managed to track her down and begin attacking, their duel was cut short when they spotted a fleet of human ships being chased by the Atlanteans. It was extraordinary, seeing men and women from every faction the Bronze Sea contained, coming together to persevere against a greater foe.

In the brief time the army of humans had before the Atlanteans arrived, they hastily fortified the island with cannons, mortars, watchtowers, and makeshift barricades, amplifying the natural defences of the island. Working with Sarlovèze, the humans’ strategy was to funnel the Atlanteans into the whirlpools, drowning and crushing them before destroying any survivors. Despite the massive loss of life, the humans managed to drive the Atlanteans back. More and more humans drift towards the stronghold of Harvest Island, now under the control of the Harvest Coalition, but the constant siege from the Atlanteans is starting to wear down on the survivors.

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Awww that’s sad :frowning: I’ll give him alphabet soup gives soup and some therapy

This mtf will:
Chokeslam you like spider man 2099
Smite you with the power of bootleg zeus
Commit a cutscene combo
Shove the soup into your throat (WITH THE ENTIRE BOWL)

mfw i write bad stories again which completely fail to capture the horror and agony of the abyss sea

Me on my way into the trello to grab ocs and put them against each other in a death match:

stokes is just gonna kill everyone

meanwhile im FINALLY adding canon character statuses, just finished with the hound siblings :fire: :fire: :fire: (warning: so so much sadness)

meanwhile we have Cernyx which is just guy dies and turns into a silly caiman whose too lazy to leave his territory so he just lies in the water all day until someone comes to him

I find it pretty ironic that the cult is the only group of infected people that are content to hang around doing there own thing and are not seeking new members.

to be fair, any potential new members probably just end up becoming their lunch

A bit counterproductive if you ask me

“hey guys I like Cernunno! Can I join the cul-”

insert 30 or so caimans devouring bro alive

Figured I’d might as well give a lil’ bit of Revon lore


Prince Revon, the public face of Ravennean royalty, was initally confident that the full might of Ravenna’s forces would be sufficient enough to defeat the Atlanteans when they invaded the island. However, as the Ravenneans slowly lost more and more ground, the beasts slowly but surely closing in on Rubica, his normal facade dropped and he quickly became paranoid. In fact, he was the one who suggested that the people flee into Mount Caesar in the first place.

After King Calvus fell in battle and was rescued by General Julian, Revon immediately took it upon himself to nurse his older brother back to health. However, despite the best efforts of Ravenna’s alchemists, none of the solutions they offered could cure Calvus’ infection, only temporarily stalling it. Revon was willing to do anything to cure Calvus, so when a stranger clad in dark robes approached and offered to help, Revon took up on the offer immediately, being given a list of ingredients to gather.

However, Revon knew that he couldn’t gather the materials himself, and asking for help from Julian or the centurions might rouse too much suspicion. As such, Revon decided to find someone unsuspecting to take on the job, someone willing to undertake the dangerous job of scavenging on the surface. While visiting a tavern one night, Revon believes that he might have just found the right person for the job…


What someone made lore about Ruby and I just yoinked my OC to be on ruby’s crew
Got a problem with that

Isn’t that also wolvendom I mean those guys camping at wind row?

Bro calm down I’m trying to just give you soup to feed ya bruh (and man I’m dead)

I don’t have any problem with you putting you OC on his crew. I was simply a little sad to see my King Ruby Roger get infected. Also if someone wrote something about I probably slipped over it.

(I love lore and stories and stuff but sometimes I just see like a massive wall of text. No hate to anyone who has a lot of lore and stories to tell though, it’s better then me who’s been procrastinating writing a single thing for this au)

look, i originally wanted to write lore about ruby but someone beat me to it, its better off anyway, also im pretty sure everybody loves ruby

first time?