Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

i included a narwhal horn rapier into my OC’s arsenal
actually lets just call them theurgist weapons
so narwhal horn on a stick → narwhal horn spear → theurgist spear
narwhal horn on a sword handle → narwhal horn rapier → theurgist rapier

but can you stop him?


Narwhal harpoon launcher is literally just a narwall gun :fire::fire::fire::fire:

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So as you can see, experimentation on people is fully justifiable, gods did it, and so will their creations.

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crossbow shooting out narwhal horns call that theurgist bow

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me on my way to test every no-magic humans with atlantean blood in order to progress humanity:


What about experiments on perfectly sane atlanteans?

theurgist HARPOOOON

your like the kromer limbus company of arcane odyssey but instead of prosthetics you hate people without magic

No matter where I go, I always find limbus players

its a sign
for you to start playing
anyways how smart are atlanteans

Smart enough to man a ship, stupid enough to get stuck behind a wall

you can make them as dumb as a crab

or like mine, actually nightmarish amounts of intelligence
it really is the writer’s choice

i like to imagine the more infected they become the less intelligent they get
like their humanity slowly fades and they just become braindead hunks of like strongth and stuff
maybe on special occasions they remember small fragments like calvus remembering his children(i think he has those? idk idc if he got bitches or not)
i picture them to be like at stage one theyre basically the same but have small moments of forgetting what they were doing or forgetting names
stage two they start forgetting stuff and can barely do the bare minimum of tasks like walking or talking
stage three they mutate and become like lifeless husks that limp around or crawl at people if they mutate into something without legs



Whale PTSD support group? I need a Canto I PTSD support group.

An apple a day keeps the happiness away

yep, the more they mutate the more their cognitive function deteriorates, until their only purpose left is to satiate their hunger.

some still may retain skills they had when they were human, like steering a ship or building one, but there isnt much thought that goes into it – its like muscle memory, only serving to achieve their goal of feeding themselves


i realized ion really think people drew like the characters that survived
we need survivor designs or characters NOW!! i have to see what happened to elius