Arcane Abyss Sea, the Atlantean Infection AU

forums just made me lose 50 lines of text

currently fighting the immense desire for the sweet embrace of death

(edit: my character its probably obvious but yea)
Johnny and his whole crew could fight off the lesser Atlantean ships out at sea probably but they’d need to find a place to stay very quickly or they’d all be dead

The invasion as a whole would further solidify the anti-magic views Johnny and most of his crew have
Also given this I reckon Johnny being as ambitious as he is would want to try and stop the invasion, but hes smart enough to know he cant really do anything about it

Overall the invasion would effect Johnny very negatively and send him deeper into the whole hating magic stuff and whatnot

currently mine are either chilling in that area between pelion, the jaws, and whitesummit with a crew with virt enchanted armor or dealing with the politics of Orthys

eNEMIES TO RELUCTANT ALLIES HELL YEAH TURN IT UP :bangbang: :bangbang: :boom::boom:

I’m gonna make a topic for people to put what their OCs/characters would be doing in the AU, u guys can copy ur replies onto there :+1:

Chapter 2 out, check it out!

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Here’s my take on the Pelion Rift.

The Pelion Rift, that vaunted barrier that’s kept the worst of the Atlantean hordes from the northern half of the Bronze Sea, would become a spot of interest shortly after the initial chaos of the invasion. Survivors from all islands, especially those close to it like Redwakers, would form a coalition to turn the rift into a new safe zone.

Starting their expedition from Cirrus Island, these survivors travel down the mountain in small bands at first, setting up hidden ports away from the prying eyes of Atlanteans. Once these beginning spots are set up, the top of the rift would begin to be inhabited, a bridge connecting it to a hidden path in the Stepstones.

The Rift would be mined out as homes would be constructed within, turning it into a brand new settlement. High above the waves and far from the reach of most Atlanteans, the Rift would become an important post for scouting and trading.

the great wall of text

Ah! This is overwhelmingly interesting as someone who has a character/file whom is partially Atlantean. Lynn Elridge. They were formerly a great warrior, and also had their family’s tavern-ship passed down to them, the Anglerfish Estamine.

However, after sailing into the Dark Sea one day, they never came back. They were presumed dead, but in reality, they had run into some sort of accursed flora which messed with their magic to such an extent that they mutated into an Atlantean right then in there.

However, they managed to escape from the scene before fully losing themselves. They exited the dark sea before any further harm could be done to their body, but the damage was practically done; their body mutated, breathing with gills and also developing frills, fins, and the sort, therefore also losing their human communication (as was done anyways by changes in their vocal cords), but they also suffered attacks from all sorts of marine viruses due to their human side, destroying/encrusting lots of their skin, and began to experience periods of lost higher brain function and savagery.

Due to all this, Lynn chose to remain presumed dead to avoid not only shame but the danger and disappointment they could bring to their previous friends and especially the Elridge family.

They operate the Anglerfish Estamine from the shadows, using one of his closest friends in his place, Levine, the only one to be aware of his situation, to operate the ship mostly; he stays away most of the time due to risk of being caught or posing danger to others, though this is essentially the last link he has to his life and the surface world.

In the Atlantean Apocalypse proposed in this AU, despite the fact that, if he doesnt get too close, the Atlanteans, even those waterborne, pose no threat and are not very aggressive to him at all, they certainly pose a threat both to the Estamine and its crew, and his family there as well.

This makes me interested in how Lynn would both manage his situation and stay “dead” as he has been, but simultaneously saving his family back in the air. Could he use his near-immunity to the rampage to his advantage, or will he get caught and killed, especially in a situation where Atlanteans have become zombie-like figures that are dooming the seas with every passing moment?


in my opinion, the rift would probably be extremely hard for this to happen, since it requires getting materials UP to the rift, as yknow, it’s a barren rock

I don’t remember is mount othrys invaded by atlanteans because it feels like the objectively safest place in the war seas, super tall so the worst of the dark sea fully ignores it, easily capable of removing all main methods of entry by just collapsing the secret tunnel, tons of landmass to build on, actual life growing on top unlike the rift, lots of wood, etc. It’s like not possible for it to be invaded by atlanteans

Cryo lore

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Othrys is the safest place on earth rn, it has infinite resources and atlanteans cant get up there

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Don’t forget the power of Poseidon

Yeah, it also keeps atlanteans away

interesting how mount othrys isn’t mentioned as inhabited by survivors

An Atlantean with a human conscience? yes pls!

Would love to see the conflict between hiding amongst the mutated population and doing what they could to help their surviving family. Sounds like a very interesting and suspenseful premise!!


Lynn’s actual lore and existence in question is not part of the Arcane Universe, but since I have made and adapted his appearance to work as a file in Arcane Odyssey to an extent, so it wasn’t very difficult to “adapt” this to the Arcane Universe.

This same thing goes for every single other one of my files, except for Ras, who could canonically enter the AU using the Nexus if he’s willing to take the risk.

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Thank you! I thought it was interesting, I should probably write something, though at the same time I am writing another series haha.

I like writing where the character being focused on, whether in their viewpoint or not, is particularly special (in a bad way, often supernatural in nature) and has to hide it from people. This applies to literally all my planned writing (this one, project 47, rope, the day the stars left us, etc.)

Why are my interests this specific? I do not know.

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I might write a story of wings as goop calls them jumping from atlantean ship to ship to then climb mount othyrs and make it impossible for them to climb just so they don’t have to deal with them anymore. My writing would probably be more lighthearted, along the lines of typ’s Calling All Cooks.

Othrys would be safe, until the Atlanteans found the story marker for those damned Titan Caverns… :pensive:


epic greathammer incoming