Arcane Odyssey Riddle

I would also speculate that the first riddle is related to us, the player, being different from the others.

"Golden Ichor of long past
do your best to make it last"

This feels like our character has to be related to the Gods in some way or another, maybe as a descendants (?) of the Gods, though it’ll be unsure till the game is released

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Golden Ichor of long past, do your best to make it last,

The bloodline/lineage of the gods is dwindling. Many gods have been killed throughout the history of the world, but perhaps this is a negative thing; there’s something we must do to preserve this bloodline and make it last, or revive it.

fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit its will,

I can see this being a reference to prometheus; it may be related to his actual will & his goal of becoming the king of the pantheon, or it may represent something in his legacy such as creating the grand fire curses or gifting magic to humanity.

the sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall.

This seems like an allusion to Chronos, the titan of time. An event related to or caused by him will take place, affecting the whole world.

Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.

This is obviously a reference to the Galebreathe attunement in Deepwoken; by training this mantra, you go from weak wind-like attacks to strong whirlwind attakcs.

Alternatively, it may be telling us that a certain event or action that was (or that can be) taken will result in an outcome multiple times as devastating.

My theory is that the deaths of all the gods that took place during and before AA’s time period led to the hold of death on the titans to weaken. Due to this they begin to stir, with Chronos being the one at the forefront.


I like the idea of the titans rising from their eternal imprisonment in Tartarus, and it also fits with the entire idea of “taking on the worlds most powerful and ancient evil”.

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I think ill take my turn on a riddle

I believe the ichor riddle is aurem.
Golden - aurem was more valuable then gold.
Ichor - Gods blood however gods got powered up when aurem was sacrificed in their name so it would be flowing in their ichor

Long past - Aurem was the prime currency
Do your best to make it last - Most aurem has been consumed, try to preserve it

I just saw that people have also speculated it so im not the first. Not really upset

this shit will never get solved


Time for me to further my reputation as an Essay Writer of the Forums

For the first stanza, In Greek Mythology, gods have golden ichor instead of blood. Presumably, this poem is meant to be directed at The AO Player. “those long past” is presumably referencing the gods, as they had golden ichor. So, this may be a stretch, but I think The AO Player is a demigod of some sort, and so they have golden ichor.

Yes, I know, visually you have red blood in the game, but that may not matter though. Things like this in the game can be wrong, like how you can die in the game because you got killed, but you didn’t actually die in the lore. It’s also possible that the golden ichor thing is a metaphor for the fact that The AO Player is a demigod. What I mean is, they may not actually have golden ichor, and using this wording is just the poem’s way of communicating that The AO Player is a demigod.

On to stanza two. This one is a bit trickier. “Fire the furnace” is bolded, so it means something, an action that we must do. Perhaps we are meant to destroy this furnace, and that is what this means. This furnace also “burns still” so this means this furnace has been burning for a long time and we need to destroy it soon. This furnace could be a metaphor for The Order, because that is what we are destroying.

“even if you have to inherit it’s will” could meant that we may have to use/absorb/become the power of this “furnace” in order to destroy it, because that would be the only way of doing so. We may have to become the very thing we are trying to destroy in order to destroy it.

Now for the third stanza. “The sword of time” is bolded, and I think it is supposed to be referencing Kronos. Afterall, Kronos is the Lord of Time, so this makes sense. We’ve never gotten any lore related to the titans, though there is mention of Mount Othrys in the patch notes. Mount Othrys is a real place in Greece, and in Greek Mythology, is the base of the titans, so we have evidence that the titans will be appearing.

Last, but certainly not least, the fourth stanza. “Those who sow the wind” is the first line. “Sow” means, according to Google, “plant (seed) by scattering it in or on the earth.” So basically, line five, if we translate the definition for “sow” is “Those who seed the wind.” Next, the second line is “shall reap the whirlwind.” According to Google, “reap” means “cut or gather (a crop or harvest).” So, the third stanza, as a whole, is “Those who plant the wind, / shall harvest the whirlwind”

I believe that the fourth stanza is trying to say that those who start with small ambitions, will eventually rise to greatness, as this seems to be a reoccurring theme throughout the AU. This could be a reference to both us as the player, and The Order. You could also apply it to Prometheus, who planted the seeds of magic by teaching it to humans, and then later on gained power through convincing people to burn aureum. Basically, stanza four is explaining how people rise to greatness like this.

This is my theory for the AO Poem. I could be completely wrong, as a lot of this is a stretch. So, what do you guys think the poem/prophecy means? What do you think of my interpretation?


Golden ichor of long past, do your best to make it last - Something that relates to the Gods and Magic, and how magic is dying down

Fire the furnace that burns still, even if you have to inherit it’s will - I think this may relate to Prometheus, as in the original Greek mythology tale, Prometheus stole fire from Hephaestus’s forge. Just like how humans inherited fire, in the Arcane Universe, humans inherited magic.

The sword of time pierces all, brace yourself for its fall - Everything has an end at some point. The sword of time is time itself and the word fall is used to say it’s attack.

Those who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind - All actions have consequences

Put together, I think that this riddle is talking about the end of magic in the Arcane Universe. It first shows us the tale of how Prometheus gave humans magic, a supposed gift for mankind. Unfortunately though, we humans have used this gift in order to accomplish despicable deeds. Due to this ordeal of bad judgement on our actions, it is now backfiring against ourselves and the world as we know it. Magic is going to possibly single-handedly cause the destruction of mankind because we did not use it appropriately.


guess ima go kill duke then

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if magic is dying, how can we preserve/save it?


weird take but I think it refrences the pure classes of the game, mage, weapons, fighting style, tank

Ichor: refers to magic or mage class

fire the furnace is a reference to being strong willed and forged in fire : tank

Sword: weapon classes

Whirlwind would refer to to fighting styles

IDK i just had a random thought about it

Just a random thought but if you take the first 3 passage’s second lines and put it together, it reads:

Do your best to make it last, even if you have to inherit its will, and brace yourself for its fall.

It oddly fits.

I think since that 4th passage is bolded, it acts as a standalone.

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Another thought, the first passage could also reference something before the gods. Since the sword of time if taken literally, pierces everything, I would pierce time itself and go back to before it all started, and taking the 4th passage into account, we might do something and cause a butterfly effect.

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Well ima wait a few days to say why. If you caught up look at what the awakening npc called you. But the first line is solved I think.

grand fire curses?

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First line probably assists in labeling us as a legacy of the gods, one who carries their blood, like demigods

Since that’s what Poseidon’s dialogue seems to imply, meaning that we and Morden are probably one of the remaining few people who contain the blood of the gods, and latent power alongside it

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Took a year long break I’m now back to finally finish this stupid puzzle

I think these are just instructions for how to make a whopper burger hear me out guys

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Ask tech if this is true

You ask him