Arcane Odyssey Riddle

7 posts were split to a new topic: Abother “make WoM separate” posf

wrong my friend

I am wrong :frpensive:

we all were wrong don’t get dejected because you were wrong once :nod:

does anybody know what he means when he says this?

is it a hint?

I’m pretty sure it’s a Star Wars reference, Obi-Wan said that to Rey

oh i never watched starwars.

It could also mean:

  • the steps from Dawn Island into the larger world of the War Seas
  • the first steps of your adventure
  • the first steps of solving the riddle
  • or the first steps of who knows what

obviously it is a hint but we don’t know how to make use of it :frpensive:

I have an idea, what if Morden might be a (or the only) descendant of a god. We might need to protect him from people who want to do bad things to him or brain wash him to their kingdom.

OR… kill him for his ichor for some unknown purposes to gain some benefit

mor means death, while den could probably mean the prevention of death, so maybe Morden can give life and you need to protect him to stay alive

it might not even be referencing golden ichor, maybe somebody else altogether. nice theory

I believe the fourth sentence is a reference to Hosea 8:7: “they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind”, so it’s something about the consequences of our actions.

Which actions, or who’s actions have consequences?

…that is Hosea 8:7, just not all of it.


Damn people acting like morden’s the only fucking character in the entire game so he’s special or something.

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only person we know of so far. i think the redwake chief will tell us to go somewhere else, just like Newground to Doom and then Savaria

yea but that doesn’t mean he’s supposed to be a god his descendant or even important to the riddle which I highly doubt

probably not but there’s a possibility, plus the bloodline of the wizards is enhanced

i doubt it, morden looks like a depressed hobo

We both wake up with amnesia on an island together. If he isn’t related to the riddle, he must be important in some way.