Average Day in Magius: Story Simulation - Chapter VI: The Last Part

Writer's Notes

oh yea before this chap ends, i’d like to admit that i was somewhat high (not by drugs influence) when writing the outline for this ep
bc i read back and “hold on. hold the fuck up. wait. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK”

but hey, after this drug induced chapter, i think i might be ready to drive to the next chap (note: im a shit driver in games). im just praying that i could somehow wrap up this hell in some way

- [Unsigned]

We’re getting out of here.

     Being stabbed in the dark didn’t bother Rael, but getting his arms and legs restrained did.
     He pulled back against the restraining energy, and kept going with it. While being clueless about what exactly held him back in the first place. Everything around him was dark, and each failed attempt to free himself made him lose his mind by a bit.
     His anxiety didn’t notice a light magic attack hitting him, until he noticed a faint image of Jean flashing for a second.
     “Rael? What the hell was that?!”
     Even if Rael couldn’t see Jean right now, he could still hear her voice, and the feeling of getting hit and shaken by her, along with the unknown energy holding him back.
     Rael prayed, and forced his body to just run. He had no idea what was happening to him right now.
     The energy that locked him behind tore apart, snapped, disappeared to his afterthought. And he crashed into Jean.
     Everything seemed brighter, as he backed away from her and looked around. He could see the same bridge where he was again.
     “I—I’m sorry…”
     He apologized to Jean, as he tried to make sense of what just happened to him earlier. Did Jean get hurt by it too? Was it some kind of a trap?
     “You… You looked really bad back then, to be honest. Wait, is that blood?”
     Rael looked at his side as Jean leaned towards it, and noticed a bloodstain on his shirt along with a cut. He lifted the shirt, revealing a stab wound.
     “How did I… Keep lifting the shirt, I’m trying something.” Jean clenched her fist, before aiming her fingertip towards the cut. “I’m sorry for what’s coming next…”
     Rael screamed as Jean’s ice magic hit his cut, freezing it. Jean didn’t expect him to be the type to scream in a high pitch. But that’s the least of their worries.
     “You okay?”
     “Y-yeah… I just didn’t expect the ice to hurt this much.”
     “This should stop the bleeding until we’re out of here, let’s head back.”
     “What about—”
     “Screw the shadow guy. We’re getting the hell out of here.”
     Before Rael could protest, he looked at Jean, who’s blocking him from the bridge ahead with her arms, as she stared into his eyes with furrowed eyebrows.

     They walked back along the bridge and returned to the dock. They first noticed bright magics flashing along the waters towards the blocked exit, and breaking through it with their impact.
     Rael noticed only a few shadow figures remaining in this place, fighting against some soldiers. While Jean noticed a soldier yelling Aurielle’s name as they ran towards the exit.
     Jean grabbed Rael’s arm, and they followed the soldier along with a few others gathering there.

     The Castlian soldiers gathered their magics, and destroyed the earth-like plate blocking the exit, making the hole from the impact earlier large enough to bring the squad outside.
     After bringing everyone outside towards the sea, and gathering at a nearby bridge that led towards a village. The soldiers were now figuring out where did they land at, and how would the whole underground route lead them here.
     “Is this… The Landing?” Joseph looked around, while Jean was looking at the village and Rael was trying to figure out the route with the soldiers.

     While everyone was busy with the location fuss, an angry-looking young man approached them.
     He looked at everyone with visible confusion as he scanned some of them, and asked, “This scent… How did you all even get here?!”
     The man was later handed a map, dampened by the whole waterfall route, by a soldier who later tried to explain their whereabouts.
     He gripped the map after the explanation, prompting the soldier to warn him to not destroy it. “I see… Thanks for informing me about this location—”

     The man glanced at the sea. And backed away in alert, as everyone on the bridge sensed some magic energy going frenzy under the water.
     A light pillar erupted from the waters, sending two figures flying from beneath. As they got out from the water, they clashed their magic spells in the air. They continued to hover around with magics, fighting with each other on it.
     Even if they were somewhere away from the bridge, everyone could notice the spells flying and moving around them.
     “Miss Aurielle?!” Jean pointed out as she recognized one of the figures fighting in the air.
     The man squinted at the figures, and asked her. “That guy… Wait, is she with you?”
     Jean nodded, and he cracked his fists as he radiated a bright red aura. Jean sensed for his magic strength, and it was on par with both her magic strengths combined.

     “Hey. Head to the village, and tell them ‘Kai’ sent you all there,” the man—Kai—said as he charged up his magic.

A chance for an action, before Kai sets off. What would Rael do?
  • Stop Kai, and drag him to the village
  • Stop Kai, and try to stop Aurielle and ??? himself (possibly with Jean)
  • Stop Kai, and figure out a plan to approach Aurielle VS ???
  • Let Kai go, and head to the village
  • Let Kai go, and join him in dealing with Aurielle VS ???
  • Let Kai go, and figure out a plan to approach Aurielle VS ???

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