DubiousLittleTyp0 was suspended?

tf why is anyone who says anything mildly unusual getting banned from the forums, from key to banana, and now typ, looks like everyone’s too sensitive to things now :confused:

Can’t we go back to 2 month ago forums where things were nice?

yeah but i’d say implying you’re going to _ someone for a month while you control them is worse

The topic of “What would you do if you could control Vetex for a month”

“mildly unusual”

-Key going into a toxic mental breakdown twice within a short timespan with no sign of stopping

-banana telling somebody to kill themself

-Sandal implying he’s going to non-consensually bang an npc to death and keep banging them in death

Truly only mildly unusual (could apply to banana’s though)

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yea that’s also horrid but that was nearly 3 years ago and this is a couple days ago.

i understand trying to keep things friendly for younger users, but I personally think that what he said was hilarious

he was repeating that statement in other posts too, maybe thats what did it.

I did warn him about the consequences of his actions though but awh hes gone now…

Damn now even Typ0 has fallen.

More and more people are getting either banned or suspended. What in the world is even going on

the world of arcane odyssey is getting too small for tolerances…

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Who are the rules protecting here? If a kid doesn’t know what necrophilia is, then they won’t understand his post. If you don’t like a joke, you can always scroll past

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Dear Forumers,

Please stop getting suspended, or at least try not to be.


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The forum literally doesn’t allow under 13s

I didn’t mention this but Typ0 is only temporarily suspended, why are you guys talking abt it like a funeral :eyes:

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Awww just play along! You’re no fun :disappointed:


Rest in piece Typ0

What the actual fuck

Also, what did key do? I forgor alredy

He got into a big argument with people over PvP and started saying… some stuff.

If that was enough to get him banned I hope mods dont find out about myself